“Yeah, I guess.” I can’t hide the disappointment in my voice. “It’s just…” I pause and swallow hard. “You know the guy I told you about? The one I met at the fundraiser last year? It’s probably dumb, but I’m hoping he might show up again.”
There. I said it. Even if it is dumb to hope for a second chance at a random encounter, at least I’ve put it out there into the universe.
Maggie raises an eyebrow, curiosity evident in her expression. “You’re talking about your kids’ father?”
“Alec,” I say with a nod. “It would be the first time I’ve seen him since then. The first time I’ve had any contact at all with him.”
Maggie’s eyes widen in surprise. “Oh wow. I’d be a nervous wreck.” She winces when she realizes what she’s just said. “Sorry, that probably doesn’t help, does it?”
“No, but you’re right. It’s all I’ve been able to think about for weeks.”
“I don’t remember seeing anyone named Alec in the donor records when I—oh, that’s why you were asking about the anonymous donors.”
“Yeah,” I confess. “The name he gave me doesn’t match any of our donor records. It’s all so complicated. I’d be questioningmy own sanity or whether any of it even happened if it wasn’t for those four little babies waiting for me to get off work.”
Maggie places a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry, sis. Maybe he’ll surprise you and show up this year. The theme is An Enchanted Evening, after all. It might just be the perfect setting for a fairytale ending.”
“Maybe.” I force a smile, trying to believe in the possibility. “I’m gonna go with that thought for now. It certainly won’t hurt to stay positive and try to enjoy the event, regardless.”
“Exactly.” Maggie nods, mirroring my smile. “And if he does show up, you’ll have the chance to talk and explain everything that’s happened over the past year. Just make sure there’s somewhere he can sit down. And maybe have a drink ready for him. That’s a lot to explain.”
“Ugh, tell me about it.” Even though nothing has really been resolved, I’m still feeling grateful for my sister’s support. “Thanks for listening, Mags. I couldn’t get through any of this without you.”
“You’re strong enough that you could. But you don’t have to.” She winks at me. “That’s what sisters are for, right? Now, let’s get back to work. We still have way too much to do.”
As we dive into the planning again, I’m finally starting to feel a tiny tinge of excitement. Maybe even a little hope that he might show up. The enchanting night ahead might be the chance I need to reconnect with Alec. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll find my way to a happily ever after.
I step into the lavishly decorated ballroom, my heart pounding with excitement and nerves. The shimmering silver dress I chose for the evening fits like a dream, possibly because of its loose and forgiving style. It’s cut in a low V at the front with beautiful vine-patterned lace, showcasing my currently enlarged breasts nicely, while flowing in soft ruffles over my stomach and trailing long behind me. I’m still insecure about my tummy area, even though I’ve dropped a surprising amount of weight quickly. Maggie says breastfeeding is supposed to help with that, which I feel like I’ve been doing non-stop since the moment I gave birth. Plus, with the event and the possibility of seeing Alec again, I’ve been hitting the gym every day to try and make myself look as back to normal as possible. I know it’s shallow of me, but I just wanted to look and feel my best, and I’m proud of my progress.
I feel a last-minute surge of confidence as I take in the fairytale ambiance around me. The Enchanted Evening theme has truly come to life, with twinkling lights, sparkling decorations, and a sort of fun, magical anticipation in the air.
As I start going over the last-minute details and decorations, ensuring everything is perfect for the event, I’m approached by Lucas, our IT guy. He looks serious, and I have to stop myself from groaning as a million possible complications to the evening run through my mind.
Did we get hacked? Did some of the e-invitations not get sent out? Is the server room on fire?
“Hey, Lucas, is everything alright?” I ask, trying to maintain my composure despite the growing feeling that something is definitely wrong.
He grimaces, then glances around to make sure we have some privacy before speaking. “Abby, I need to talk to you. It’s about something important.”
My heart skips a beat, fearing the worst. “What is it?”
His voice lowers as he leans in closer. “It’s about Booker Carlson. Your instincts were right. He’s a scammer.”
“Okay, we can fix…wait, what?” Of all the things I’d mentally prepared for, hearing the news about Booker wasn’t one of them. It should’ve been, though. I’ve had a bad feeling about that guy for a while, and now I don’t feel guilty at all about having Lucas dig a little deeper into Booker’s dealings.
It takes a few seconds for my brain to catch up, but now the initial shock is giving way to something else. Pure anger.
It’s as if everything around me dims, and all that remains is the weight of disappointment and betrayal. How could someone exploit our foundation, taking advantage of our goodwill? Of my dead brother’s good name? That bastard.
“Are you sure?” I ask, already knowing the answer but still hoping this is all some sort of terrible misunderstanding. “You have proof?”
Lucas nods solemnly. “We’ve been investigating him, and we finally have enough evidence to confirm it. He never had a legitimate illness, and he was using the foundation’s resources to deceive us and others.”
My hands ball into fists at my sides as I struggle to contain my emotions. We believed him, believed in him. We helped him so much, and now he turns out to be nothing more than a thief, stealing from those in genuine need.
“I can’t believe anyone would do something like that,” I say, my voice shaking as I struggle to maintain my composure and hold back all the emotions I’m feeling. The last thing I need is to ruin my makeup with even a hint of the angry, frustrated tears that I can feel welling up.