It’s nearly midnight by the time Maks gets back from wherever he’s been. I’m already in bed, curled up with a book and trying not to worry too much.
As soon as he’s in the bedroom, though, all bets are off. I can see the tension in his shoulders and the tightness around his eyes. Something’s wrong. Something’s very, very wrong.
“Maks? What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” he says, shrugging out of his jacket and tossing it over a chair.
“That’s bullshit,” I say, sitting up and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. “Tell me.”
He sighs and runs a hand through his dark hair. “We found one of the scammers. Booker’s old partner, actually.”
“That’s good, isn’t it?” I ask, not sure where the problem is. “Or are they hiding out somewhere else?”
“No, they’re not. They were at a warehouse we had tracked down. We were ready to break the whole place up, but when we got there, the place was empty. Completely empty.”
“Shit,” I whisper, the implications hitting me. “How did they know you were coming?”
“Someone told them. Someone on the inside. And whoever it is, they’re still out there, which means we’re still in danger.”
“Oh my God,” I gasp. “Someone we know is working against us? Is that what you’re saying?”
“Yeah,” he sighs. “Someone we know is helping them. I have no idea who, though, or even why. What the fuck is the connection? I’m just not seeing it.”
“What are we going to do?” I look around the room, as if the traitor might be hiding behind the curtains or the closet door. “Are we even safe here anymore?”
“Safer than you’d be anywhere else,” he answers, maybe a little too honestly. “At least I can be here with you most of the time. Someone would have to get through me before they could get to you and the babies.”
That surprisingly makes me feel a lot better, safer, somehow.
“What about Maggie and her babies?” I ask. “Does she have enough security there? Should we be doing more to help her?”
“I have all the guys I can spare already watching her. I’m telling you, there’s nowhere safer for you to be right now. But you can give Maggie a call again if you want to check on her. I know I’ve told you not to contact anyone, but I can’t keep you completely isolated. As long as you keep your promise to only do it when I say…”
“I will,” I tell him quickly, grabbing for my phone and scrolling my contacts. “I promise.”
“I sent her a text earlier to tell her we might be calling tonight. I figured you would want to hear her voice.”
“I do.” I dial her number.
She answers on the second ring. “Maksim? Abby? Are you both okay?”
“Yeah, we’re fine.” I take the phone and put it on speaker, but turn down the volume so we don’t wake up the babies. “We just wanted to make sure you were safe.”
“I am,” she promises, her voice a little calmer. “There are two guards here with the twins, and three outside.”
“Are you sleeping?” I ask.
“A little,” she says. “The twins are taking turns waking up every few hours, and I can’t sleep through their crying, even if the nanny’s trying to help. I sent all the extra help we usually keep for you home, since it seemed like overkill…but now I’m sort of regretting it.” She chuckles lightly, and then sighs. “I swear, they’ve got to be related to a pack of banshees.”
Maks and I share a look and laugh. “Yeah, I’m familiar with the feeling,” I tell her.
“How are the babies?” Maggie asks. “How are you holding up without help?”
I smile. “They’re good. They’re all sleeping right now, and we’re hoping they’ll sleep for another few hours. And I do have help. Maks has been amazing.” I give him an appreciative smile, and he grins back. “And so has his housekeeper.”
“Good.” She yawns. “Tell Maks thank you for his extra security, and that we’re all safe here.”
“I will,” I promise. “Get some sleep, Mags.”