I wanted to be honest with her. Totally and completely. She deserved no falsehoods or shades of the truth. If she was going to be our lifelong mate and mother of our children, our honor demanded we be as transparent as possible with her. The others might have tried to sugarcoat these things from her, but I would not.

If she did not agree to the terms, then it would only be one night wasted for her and for us. I was trying not to take in all the ways this exchange would be pleasurable for me. I wasn’t here for pleasure, and neither was the female. But I couldn’t help but wring my hands, trying to stop my fingers from reaching out and touching her soft skin. My mind conjured up visions of grabbing those hips, kneading that beautiful ass of hers—putting my mouth on each and every inch of her smooth skin.

“This isn’t a human romance,” I blurted. My heart overrode the things my mind came up with. While I could enjoy the pleasure of putting my seed into her, that was the end of the enjoyment. She would never look at me with love or yearn for my arms in the middle of the night. She might crave my body and my friendship, but that would be the end of it.

“Thank the gods,” Ilya breathed out. She took a long sip of the hot chocolate Draven had made for her. His recipe was so good, it almost melted the coldest of hearts, including mine.

We chuckled at her candor. I wasn’t breaking her heart with my practical and straightforward nature. She was a breath of fresh air.

She complimented Draven on the drink and then asked, “Do we have a timetable? What I mean is, are you three wanting children before a certain time?”

I shook my head. The others were letting me take the lead on this. If Ilya could handle me, she could handle all of this. “No, female. This isn’t a race, and we want to be respectful of you in all of this. All of this is at your pace. If you get to know us and feel like you are comfortable having sex with us, then you let us know.”

A giggle came from her mouth. “And what if I let you know and you don’t want to have sex with me?”

Saber grunted from his seat beside her. “That won’t be an issue. I realize we said no romance but, female, you are one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever laid eyes on. We are virile and ready whenever you are.”

Her cheeks reddened. “That’s good to know. And once we conceive?”

This time, I had to look to my friends for a response, since I had no clue what exactly she was asking.

“I’m not sure what you mean, female.” Draven touched her arm as he spoke. She didn’t pull away. She shocked me over and over.

“When I’m pregnant. There will be no sex until I give birth?”

I had no answer. And, from the looks of it, neither did my friends.

She sighed and pulled her legs underneath her on the couch after taking her shoes off. “I’m only asking because I’ve heard that when women are pregnant, they have greater sexual needs because of the hormones. Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself.”

“If you have needs of any kind, they will be met, female. When we said that all of your needs will be taken care of, we didn’t only mean food and clothing. We intend to take care of you in all ways.”

The tips of her ears reddened. “I’ve always taken care of myself. My parents gave me advantages, but I worked hard and earned everything.”

“You can rely on us,” I said, firmly. “We won’t let you or our children down, Ilya.”

She nodded. Her chin was quivering but, once she lifted her face, she revealed suspiciously shiny eyes. “Thank you. If I…once I am ready, will we…will we all have sex together?” She let out a laugh. “I’m realizing now that I didn’t ask nearly as many questions as I should’ve before coming here.”

Saber turned his body toward her. He was willing to bed her now. I could tell. “This is another thing that will be up to you. You can choose to sleep with one of us or two or three. All of this is your choice, female. Though, I speak for us all when I say that the more we have sex, the greater the chance of having sons. You may find that three orcs satisfy your needs very well.”

Her blush deepened, and she bit down on her bottom lip. Fuck, I wanted that. To bite on her bottom lip, let my tusks graze her creamy thighs. “I don’t have any doubts. I thought I would, I let my friend’s comments get into my head.”

“What comments?” I asked. “If there is a doubt, let’s address it now.”

“She said I was nothing more than a breeder. A sex slave. Someone that you three would use and then throw away once I’d had enough sons for you. She said I was selling myself.”

Humans. They exchanged all kinds of things for sex and affection under the disguise of marriage and relationships, but when one of their kind entered into a contract, eyes wide open,knowing she was making a practical and wise choice, they called her names for it.

“This friend of yours sounds like she doesn’t know orcs. That may be the case with shifters and vampires, but mothers of our children are revered and honored, even after they choose not to have children anymore. I know we’ve been over this, but this is your home for as long as you choose it. We would have you with us until death, female. You are not a thing that will be used. You are to be our female, the bearer of our sons, the mother who nurses those children and raises them to be fine men. And as the position of a mother never ends, neither will our willingness to provide for you.”

As Saber talked to her, gently and with a whisper-soft tone that I could never pull off, tears fell down her face.

“Why are you crying?” I asked, wanting to get up and take the tears away from her, swipe them from her cheeks—make sure they never returned to plague her.

“They say orcs are beasts, but you’ve been kinder to me than any males in my life ever have, with the exception of my father. And from what happened with the will, maybe not even him.” She paused a moment. “It’s been a long day. If it’s okay, I think I would like to get to bed. Can you show me my bedroom, please? Again?”

Saber helped her up and we walked across the mountain cove and into her section of our home. She had her own bathroom and even a small living area attached to her bedroom. Her bags were already there.

“Would you like that bath?” I asked before thinking about it. She was so tired that I could feel the exhaustion in my own body. She was wrung out from the day and probably the emotional impact of everything.