Damn it.

“Lead the way.”

We rode in the car for only a few minutes while I wracked my brain, trying to figure out what in the world they’d gotten me that needed to be driven to.

“We’re here. Just a few more minutes. Everyone is here.” Bishop told me and helped me from the SUV.

“They are? How in the hell did they know?” I demanded and maybe stomped my foot.

“Because we’re in the cool club. Now shush. You’re ruining everything,” Onyx barked at me, making me startle.

I heard shuffling around and then Fox came behind me. I could smell his sweet, comforting scent. “I’m taking this off. And you’ll see your Christmas surprise. Are you ready?”

“No,” I answered. “Yes.”

When the blindfold came off, I was standing on the steps of a home. The front door had a key in it with a red ribbon attached. At first, I thought they had rented it for a vacation. “What…you rented this? It’s one of those house rentals?”

Storm chuckled a bit before taking my hand in his. “No, mate. We bought this home for you—for us. Merry Christmas, Valentina.”

My heart fluttered in my chest. Despite the chill in the air, I no longer felt the cold. “You bought us a house?” Tears flowed down my face as I walked toward the enormous place upon Storm’s coaxing.

“Yes. A home for our mate and our family. Enough room to have our friends over anytime and room to grow if we wish,” Storm spoke softly. I knew my mates wanted a family but tip-toed around the issue. I simply wasn’t ready. I wanted to spend time with my mates before bringing a child into it. I wanted children. I did. Just not yet.

I walked in while everyone else did behind me. The ceilings were high. It was already furnished and though I had no say in any of it, it was all perfect. There was a huge kitchen with pearlescent quartz countertops. Each of us had our own space and then there was a master bedroom that took up most of the second floor.

The damned place even had a library that Fox promised to fill with all of our favorites.

When the tour was over, I plopped myself onto the ground and wept.

“You don’t like it?” Bishop said. “Guys, I don’t think she likes it.”

“Fuck!” Fox cursed, causing everyone to look toward him. My mild-mannered mate never cursed. Or not a lot.

“No. Wait. Gods, I made Fox curse. I love the house. I love it. I’m a bit overwhelmed.”

“It’s a big-ass house. I’m overwhelmed and I already knew how big it was,” Onyx commented.

“Everyone knew but me. You’re all in big trouble!”

“You really like it?” Bishop stepped forward and reached for my hands, wanting me to stand up.

I took them and stood but leaned against him for support. “It’s incredible.”

We all looked around one more time. Tess and Jeremy were the first to leave. They wanted to go to their apartment and share the night. Onyx, Raven, and Asher left last and I promised to have them over soon.

“Can we stay?” I asked.

“We’re not set to move in until New Year’s Eve. That’s when we take possession. They let us put furniture in but we can’t fully move in until then. Plus, we have to pack up.”

“I don’t deserve any of you,” I said.

“You do.” Storm hugged me. “You deserve all of this.”

Chapter Twenty-Two


It was the day after Christmas, and I’d waited until the sun set to go to Valentina and her mates for one last favor.