Page 80 of Gods of the Sea

“No,” he said softly. “Your feelings are real. And that’s the price we pay for our power.”

“So you sirens came to sentence the entire crew to hell?” Henrik yelled out.

“No,” Luc snarled. He gripped hard to his knife, stepping forward and pointing it between Adrian’s eyes. “I came onboard to judge the captain.”

Even though Adrian was on his knees with a dagger a breath from his face, he held his head steady and high, no emotion upon it.

“Your sins have gone on long enough,” Luc told Adrian.

Adrian shrugged. “Not sure what you’re talking about.”

“The spiritual world sees and knows all,” Luc replied, “but if you need evidence, I have some ready for you: the courthouse fires.”

“Is it the spiritual realm’s job to make sure we pay our taxes?”

“A woman died in those fires,” Luc said, ignoring Adrian’s comment, “You killed her. The week before her wedding.”

A memory struck me.

“And in his obsessive love, he asked her to marry him. She agreed. A week before their wedding, he came home to find out that she had been killed in an accident.”

I gasped, throwing my hands over my mouth.

Adrian laughed and rolled his eyes. “From what I read in the papers, there were no deaths that day. What are you talking about?”

Luc’s hands visibly shook. He clenched them together.

“Her name was Maria,” Luc replied. “She was twenty-three years old and dreamed of owning her own jewelry store. Sheliked summer roses and winter skies. She died, and you’re the one who killed her.”

Adrian’s eyes went blank, confusion settling against his forehead. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn’t faking it.

He had no idea.

“You’ll all be taken to the Den of Sirens to be tried,” Luc continued. “Should your hearts be deemed pure, you’ll be released to live your lives. Should your hearts be deemed a tool of the devil, then we’ll send you back to him. Andyou,” he added, pointing his shaking dagger at Adrian, “will be the first I put on the execution block.”

Luc started to turn away, but I grabbed him by both shoulders, trying to catch up with my thoughts.

“Luc, you can’t really mean to kill them.”

“And why not?” he replied. “It’s our job as sirens to pass judgment, regardless of the consequences. Do you not understand the importance of balancing good and evil?”

“Barely! I haven’t understood any of this! Luc, I don’t even think Adrian knows what happened. Look at him—”

“It doesn’t matter what he knows,” Luc replied coldly. “A man pays for his sins whether or not he is aware of them.”

“I can’t agree to let them die like this!”

“Those are the rules, little siren,” a new voice said. “You need to get used to them.”

I turned to the sound of the newest voice in the conversation, my throat constricting further as I took a step back.

Jacques smirked as he came forward to meet us. Luc grabbed my arm, throwing me behind his back and putting a block between Jacques and me. Jacques only chuckled.

“That’s adorable,” Jacques told Luc, “but you know it won’t help you.”

“How did you get out?” Luc asked.

“It’s not exactly high-level security around here,” Jacques replied, waving his hand nonchalantly. “I’ve been kept in worse prisons. I could have gotten out days ago, but we weren’t at the Eros yet.”