Page 94 of Daddy's Orders

The doctor smiled. “She’s going to be fine, just a mild concussion from the fall. She wrenched her shoulder too, not to mention the burns to her wrist from the rope. But nothing to worry about.”

The relief was intense and immediate.

“Thank God,” I said.

“And don’t worry,” the doctor added. “The baby’s fine, too. We ran some tests and didn’t detect anything to be worried about. Anyway, we’ll have you with her as quickly as possible.”

With that, the doctor left. I stood there confused, not sure what to make of the words that she’d just spoken.

“Baby?” I asked. “What baby?”

“There’s a baby?” Marianne asked.

“Ababy?” Pearl shouted.

I was in a daze. I turned to Marianne, who stood with a big grin on her face.

“Mar,” I said. “Sorry about your evening getting ruined.” The words sounded like they were coming out a hundred feet away. I wasn’t sure why I picked that moment to check in on her but hearing the wordbabyhad done something to me, put me in a strange state of mind.

“My evening getting ruined? What’re you talking about? I soldsevenpaintings! And for a lot! I told the gallery that I had a family emergency and they said that it was fine and they wanted to have another showing as soon as possible!” Her grin became even wider. “And I just found out that I’m going to be an aunt!”

Roberto put his big hand on my shoulder.


Still dazed, I turned back in the direction the doctor had come. It wasn’t much longer until she returned, letting me know that I could see Emily.

“I’d recommend just one at a time for now,” she said. “Her head was a little dinged up, so a whole group in there might be a bit disorienting.”

I turned to Pearl and Marianne.

“Don’t worry,” Pearl said. “We’ll head back to the penthouse and stay put.” She leaned in. “And congrats, you dog.” Pearl flashed me a smile before leading Marianne off.

“I’m staying here with you,jefe,” Roberto said. “The boys will take the ladies back.”


With that, I broke off and went with the doctor. I felt strange as I walked, the wordbabyrepeating in my head over and over again. It felt unreal, like someone was playing a trick on me.

The doctor guided me to a door and opened it.

“She just woke up not too long ago so she might still be in a little bit of a daze.”

I nodded, entering the room.

Emily was laying there and it didn’t matter that she was bruised and bandaged, didn’t matter that she was in a hospital gown, didn’t matter that her lip was swollen. She was still the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen in my life. Knowing that she was carrying my child only brought her beauty to another level.

She turned sleepily over to me, a weak, but warm smile spreading across her face.

“Wow,” she said. “My head hurts.”

I came over, taking her hand into mine and kissing it.

“You’re safe,” I said. “And you’re going to be OK.”

She nodded. “What about my dad?”

There was no sense in dancing around the matter. I shook my head. She turned away from me, staring off into the distance for a long moment.