Page 67 of Daddy's Orders

“Sorry. I guess I got so into my writing that I forgot to eat. Happens sometimes.”

“Well, no meal goes skipped in this house,” Pearl said. She set the tray down next to my laptop on the little table on the balcony. Once it was placed, she lifted the lid revealing a stack of pancakes, sliced-up fresh fruit, and a mini carafe of coffee. Mystomach grumbled at the sight of it, my appetite awakening in full force.

“Now,” Pearl said, dusting her hands as she came back into the room. “I’m going to take a look at your ankle. How’s it feeling?”

“Fine,” I said. “I mean, a little pain, but not much.”

“Good. And I assume you’ve been avoiding jumping jacks and wind sprints like I told you?” Pearl winked as she tapped me on the shoulder, nodding toward the bed.

“I sure have,” I replied with a grin.

I sat down next to Marianne, Pearl coming over and kneeling down in front of me. With quick, precise movements, Pearl poked and prodded my ankle. Surges of mild pain shot out here and there.

“How’s that feel?” she asked, her eyes on my ankle.

“Not great but not horrible, either.”

She nodded. “Just as the big man thought, nothing more than a mild sprain. Still a little purple here, but that’s not the worst thing in the world.” Pearl pushed herself up to her feet. “You’ll be right as rain in another few days. I’d take some ibuprofen for the pain if you have any.”

“Don’t think I do.”

Pearl nodded. “Eat your breakfast, I’ll go grab some.”

Without another word, Pearl exited the bedroom.

“OK, I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry,” I said, my eyes fixed on the food outside.

“Eat!” Marianne seemed totally thrilled. “I helped cut up some of the fruit.”

I stepped outside, gesturing for Marianne to come with me. I popped a strawberry into my mouth, chewing it as I poured some coffee. I noticed Marianne was watching me out of the corner of my eye, a look of concern on her pretty face.

“Something wrong?” I asked. “Everything has been great so far, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

Marianne pursed her lips, glancing down at her feet. “It’s not that. It’s just… how do you feel? I mean, not in the way that Pearl was checking. How do you feel in your heart?”

“My heart?” Her words gave me pause.

“I don’t mean to be nosy—Logan’s always telling me not to step into people’s personal business. But you were attacked on the beach.”

I realized right away what she was talking about.

“That had to have been so scary. Plus, Marta was your friend. I bet it didn’t feel good at all to find out that she tricked you like that.”

I once more shifted in my seat. The whole subject was too difficult to think about.

“It doesn’t feel good, that’s for sure. But Logan saved me. You should’ve seen him! He was so fast, running in and punching those jerks right in the face!”

Marianne smiled. “That sounds like Logan.”

I sighed. “But with Marta… I’m not sure. I’m trying not to think about it, but when I do, I tell myself that she was only doing what she thought was the right thing.”

“Pearl always says that the road to hell is paid with good intentions.”

I chuckled, letting her malapropism slide. “She might be right. In fact, I know she’s right. I’m just glad that nothing really bad happened.”

“I am too.”

Marianne opened her arms to give me a hug that I eagerly accepted. When she released me, however, I saw that she had a confused expression on her face.