Page 12 of Daddy's Orders

By pure instinct, I wrapped my arms around the bag in a protective manner. Logan cocked his head to the side, seemingly confused by the suddenness and severity of my actions. Once more, Dad regarded me with an expression of annoyance and frustration.

“I mean, that’s OK. A girl has to have her personal things, you know?”

I didn’t want to tell him what was in the bag, and I most definitely didn’t want Dad to find out. Inside were my personal effects, but most importantly, the bag contained a trio of journals that comprised the novel that I was in the process of writing—a romance that I’d been creating in secret for the last couple of years.

The novel was my hidden little dream, and there was no way on earth I could let Dad find out about it.

“Naturally.” Logan’s easy tone and calm confidence disarmed the awkwardness of the situation. “Anyway, shall we board?” He pivoted to the side, nodding toward the stairway that led up and into the plane.

“Please let me know if there are any problems,” Dad said, coming over to Logan. He shot me another look, a clear reminder that his words were a warning that I needed to be on my best behavior.

“I certainly will,” Logan said. “And I don’t mean to rush, but we really ought to get moving. Can’t park a private plane on the runway forever, you know.”

“Of course,” Dad said. “Thank you again, Mr. Stone, for taking this offer. I have no doubt you’ll be more than pleased with your decision.”

Logan turned his attention to me. “So far, I am. Emily, if you wouldn’t mind coming with me…”

Without so much as a look back toward Dad, I stepped to Logan’s side. Together, we ascended the stairs, Logan taking my arm and leading me up. We reached the top, Logan placing his hand on the small of my back as he led me through, his touch once more making me weak in the knees and tight between my legs.


The word tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop it, but it was my instant reaction to the sight of the interior of the private plane before me.

The interior was spacious, streamlined, and contemporary with bits of elegant flourishes here and there. The seats were plush and leather, the carpeting was beautiful, and there was even a bar set up. A small meeting area was at the far end, and near the entry door was a cozy little space with a TV that struck me as perfect for watching a movie or curling up with a book.

Down the length of the plane was a small hallway, the end of it leading to a bedroom. Something about the sight of the bed, coupled with being so near to Logan, brought to mind the sorts of things a man and a woman could get up to on a bed like that.

I remembered Dad’s warning, how he’d stressed above all else that I couldn’t do anything of the sort with Logan. Little did Dad know, his warning only put the idea more firmly into my head. Not to mention that there was clearly no love lost betweenhim and Logan—this whole arrangement was a pretext for him screwing over Logan in some unknown way.

What if I were to lose my virginity to Logan? What if I were to give away my oh-so-precious purity in a way that was not only on my terms, but to a man my Dad clearly despised?

That would show him.

The door shut with athunk, and I turned to see that Logan and I were finally alone.

He smiled.


Chapter 4


Even from the pictures, I’d been able to tell that Emily was something special.

In person, she was even more striking, as beautiful as they came. No wonder her father treated her like gold—as if she were the most valuable thing he possessed.

Speaking of her father, I’d noticed something strange right away about the relationship between the two of them. There had been zero affection, no warmth, no indication that Emily was his flesh and blood. When she’d broken from his side and joined me, she hadn’t uttered so much as a single “goodbye.” It’d been as if she couldn’t wait to flee from him, even into the company—or possession, in this case—of a stranger.

Perhaps that dynamic might make her more susceptible to my seduction. And there was no doubt that seducing this beauty was at the forefront of my mind. Emily’s potential desire to get back at her father promised to make the whole process move much more smoothly.

“You alright?” I asked. Emily had been standing there stunned since I’d brought her onto the plane.

She shook her head and blinked hard, coming back into the moment.

“Huh? Oh, sorry. It’s just… this is a really nice plane.”

I chuckled to myself at how impressed she was. Cute, really. It was clear that not only had she never seen anything like it before, but that the rumors of her having rarely left her house were possibly true. As she looked around, it was impossible to not take notice of the innocent air about her, a charming guilelessness in spite of a face and body that seemed hand designed to inspire pure lust.