Page 76 of Savage Wounds

“How about I get you a journal and you can see how it feels?”

She nods. “Yeah. Okay.”

“Let’s go take care of your wound so it doesn’t get infected.”

Every room here has an emergency kit in the bathroom, and together, we go inside and grab it. As I start to help her clean and dress her wound, I notice the marks on her skin, evidence that this isn’t the first time she’s done this. And if this isn’t the first time…I know she won’t stop. Not until someone intervenes or she’s dead. I have to do something. I have to help somehow.

“Wanna watch a movie with me?” she asks once her arm is wrapped and we’re headed to the living room.

“Of course.” My heart tightens with empathy as I glance at her. She’s hurting. I know what that feels like.

She settles on the sofa, and as she scrolls through the cable channels, she passes the news, and I see her again. The latest girl who died.

“She’s so pretty,” Cammie whispers. “I can’t imagine being that pretty.”

“Youarethat pretty.” I drop a hand on her shoulder.

“Do you think they’ll ever catch this guy?” A little furrow forms between her eyes. “He seems so much smarter than the cops.”

“Every killer eventually gets caught.”

And I realize that means me too.


I’m at Michael’s the following day for a briefing on the situation with the traffickers. All the Cavaleris are here too, the brothers who took out the Bianchis.

They all know what it means for this city and the world if the trafficking is allowed to continue. Destroying anyone who associates with the Bianchis means a lot to these guys.

“They are running their trafficking rings all over the country now and are sending girls overseas,” Michael tells the group.

There are about thirty present for this meeting. All hands on deck. Everyone needs to be prepared for what may be coming.

“How the hell do you know that?” Dom Cavaleri narrows aglare at Michael.

It doesn’t take much to see he doesn’t like the Marinos at all. Dom’s the oldest Cavaleri and the leader of their gang of killers.

“Because…” Michael glares. “Two days ago, we found a guy who was kidnapping girls for them. He didn’t know who was in charge, but he knew that his assignment came from someone low on the food chain, someone who is taking orders from another. But he said that whoever is leading it is keeping his identity completely hidden. He communicates only by notes given to him by one of his trusted guys and uses a burner we can’t track.”

“And he just told you all this?” Dom snickers.

“No.” Gio grins and hands Dom a phone, pressing play as a man screams. “We gave him some incentives.”

“Is that his hand you’re holding?” Dom fights a laugh.

“Yeah, the right one.” Gio grins. “He was really attached to it.”

Enzo Cavaleri chuckles and high-fives Gio.

“So, anyway…” Michael goes on. “We don’t know shit yet. Just that they had a cellar in the city that they were operating from. But now they’ve moved their headquarters to Boston, the asshole told us.”

“Did he know why they moved it to Boston?” Dom asks.

Michael nods. “Yeah, they dismantled their operation in New York after Gio’s friend Bryce was killed and had connections here.”

Gio’s face tenses. Bryce was his good friend. And to save himself from a gambling debt, he began working with these pricks to traffic women until he was murdered by someone who didn’t go down without a fight.

“The Quinns are looking in Boston,” Gio adds. “They have every one of their people on it. But whoever is doing this knows how to hide.”