My body grows ice cold. Is it him?
I swallow past the thick anxiety crawling up my throat. I make it to the window and glance outside, but see no one except Chris, who’s in his car giving me space.
Who the hell is this?
Did you already forget about me, little wolf?
A? Jesus, could you maybe let a girl know you have her number?
I want to ask him where he’s been. Why all of a sudden he’s reaching out. But that’d be pathetic. It’s only been a few days. He’s not my boyfriend. He’s just a man I kill with. Nothing more. Two crazy people doing crazy things. That’s all we are. That’s all we can be. Maybe that’s why he kept his distance. So that I don’t get any wrong ideas.
Did I scare you?
No. I was just watching the news. He killed another girl.
I know.
He won’t touch you, I promise. Noone will.
I’m not afraid of that. I want him to come after me. I want to be the one to kill him. Please tell me if you have some idea how to find him.
If he did, I wouldn’t hesitate.
If I did, I’d have killed him by now. But, Kayla? I’d never allow you to make yourself the target.
I don’t remember asking for your permission.
Silence. He doesn’t respond for minutes, and I wonder if he ever will. My cell rings, and it’s his number.
My heart speeds up, and as I answer, I clear my throat.
“Yes? How may I help you?” I tease.
“Kayla, I don’t know what the fuck is going through your head. But when I tell you I will never allow it, I mean that!” His howling breaths register through the line.
A shiver coasts up my body.
His voice… He sounds worried. And I very much like the sound of that.
“He isn’t like the other men you’ve been playing with,” he goes on. “He’s different. He will kill you, and I will never let that happen.”