Page 69 of Savage Wounds

I pick it up, waiting for her to run over to me. When she does, I hold it out for her.

“Here you go.” I get to my feet, reaching out my hand to hers.

“I hope I didn’t hit you, sir.” She grins, toothy and adorable.

Sir.That makes me laugh internally.

“That’s okay.”

Her brows squint. “You look a little familiar. Do I know you?”

“I don’t think so.” I settle back down.

She taps her temple with her forefinger. And then her eyes pop. “Oh! From Grandpa and Grandma’s wedding! You told me you weren’t Daddy’s friend.”

Shit. How the hell does this tiny human have such a good memory?

“Hmm. Don’t recall. Who is your daddy?”

“Michael Marino.”

“Ah, yes.” I nod thoughtfully. “I do know of him.”

Definitely can’t lie to little Satan. She’d know.

“And yes, I did attend your grandmother’s wedding. She looked happy.”

“She is! Grandpa Patrick is the best. He’s so funny! Did you talk to him at the wedding?”

“Haven’t had the pleasure.”

She sits right beside me. “He makes the best food. Do you know how to cook? Because Daddy says everyone should know how to cook.”

But she doesn’t let me get a word in, continuing in her bubbly kind of way.

“He taught me how to make tomato sauce from scratch! I alsoknow how to make bread and calzones!”

“Well, you’re definitely better than me. I’m not much of a cook.”

Of course, I lie. I cook quite well. Had to learn, living on my own.

“Oh, then you really should meet my grandpa. Because he can teach you.”

Pretty sure he doesn’t care enough about me to teach me anything.

“He once made pizza from scratch, and it tasted better than the best pizzeria in the city! Can you believe that?” Her eyes sparkle, and I can’t help but smile.

“What else does he make?”

“He makes seafood broth, which all the grownups like, but…” She makes a gag face. “I don’t like that stuff. Too fishy.” She giggles.

“I don’t like fish either.” The confession comes easily.

“Really?” Her face lights up, eyes wide-eyed. “What do you like to eat?”

“I like pizza, steak, or burgers.”

“Oh! Maybe you can come over sometime and have some with us! My dad loves to barbecue, and my mommy, Elsie, makes the best macaroni and cheese.”