Picking up my iced coffee, I close my eyes and savor the hazelnut. Everything I eat or drink or see is special. I don’t take a single thing for granted anymore.
“I really don’t wanna go back to work.” Elsie groans, and Jade joins her.
They’re both heading to work at Helping Hand, while I have to reluctantly get to class.
“I so don’t wanna sit through another chem lesson.” I twist my face in displeasure. “But I really have to go too.”
“This was nice.” Jade smiles. “Maybe we can grab lunch again tomorrow.”
I start to rise, grabbing my schoolbag. “Sounds good. See you guys.”
“Talk soon!” They both wave as they head in the opposite direction from me, their car on the other side of the lot.
As soon as I slip into my vehicle, my phone rings in my bag. Reaching inside, I look down on the screen and find Cammie’s name. I don’t get nervous when she calls anymore. She’s been doing so well with her new therapist and adjusting to what happened to her. I’m proud of her progress.
“Hey, Cammie.”
Breathing. Heavy breathing.
“He…he’s coming,” she whispers.
And my heart instantly trips over the fear in her voice.
I start the car, my body shivering, unsure of what’s happening, but knowing it isn’t good.
“Who?” I make a sharp right, not even sure where I’m going. “Cammie?”
“Doctor C-Collins. He’s at my parents’.”
I can hear someone there, someone calling for her, but I can’t make out the voice.
“Oh, God. I’m coming. Tell me the address.”
I don’t ask why she’s at her parents’. I don’t care right now.
I’ve been by her family’s home, but don’t recall the address. She once made me drive by, just wanting to see her family. Then when her mother came out and greeted her father, she made me leave. It breaks my heart for her to not have a family who loves her no matter what. Maybe she went there because they wanted to reconcile.
“554 Main Street. You remember the town?”
“Yes. I’m fifteen minutes away. Maybe I should call the cops.”
“No! Please,” she whispers. “You know they’re connected to the Bianchis. We can’t trust anyone.”
She’s right. The thought was stupid. But I have to call someone. I quickly shoot A a text with the address, saying Cammie is in trouble and I’m heading there to stop the killer. He will get angry, but I can’t just sit here and do nothing.
Adriel’s out at a meeting with a new client. Someone wealthy who owns a robotics company overseas. But I know he’ll drop everything to come and help.
I could call Michael. I should. He can help too.
“Cammie? Are you there?”
She snivels quietly. “Y-yes. He’s looking for me.”
“Okay. Just keep hiding. Please just don’t talk. I promise I’m on the way.”
“I’m scared.” She softly cries. “I don’t wanna die.”