“You’re a good soul, honey. Not many like that left out here in this cruel world. You come to me if you ever need anything, okay?”
I nod. “You too. I love you, Coco.”
“Oh, hell. I love you too.” She holds me once again, and together we cry, holding on to one another.
Somehow stronger for it too.
I hate being useless.Hate being unable to find Dr. Collins or whoever his accomplice is. It’s killing me. But the murders have stopped. So far, at least.
Maybe he left. Maybe he took his brutality somewhere else.
But what good is that? He’s just going to hurt others. I need to find him.
I’ve looked everywhere. Every traffic light in the state. Every fucking airport. He hasn’t been there. If he has, he’s heavily disguised. His car is still at the house, his phone undetectable. Probably tossed it somewhere. It’s what I’d do.
He may never be found, and I can’t live with that. He has to die. Until he does, she will always wonder if he’ll come after her. If his accomplice will. I won’t let that happen.
I’ve been keeping tabs on my brothers through thebugs I have planted at their places, and at Mother’s too. They keep killing low-level scum traffickers, but they haven’t been able to locate the ringleader. One of the men they killed said the boss keeps himself hidden. Only a few know who he really is. They don’t have a name or description. They report to someone higher than them, but not the actual top dog. It’s a pyramid. And killing the leader is how we topple it.
Looking at my cell, I find Kayla out shopping with Elsie and Jade. I let her be. As long as I know she’s safe, I let her live her life. Elsie has two bodyguards on her, so I know they’ve got eyes there too. Michael would never let anything happen to his wife.
When Kayla gets home, I’ll have a surprise for her. I’ve had a feeling she was itching for it, though she hasn’t said anything, probably thinking I’ve wanted to stop. But my needs are still there, only now I have someone to share them with.
“We really need to figure out how to help them.” Elsie sighs as we sit around a smoothie place after a day of bonding and shopping. “I hate that Michael and the guys are still upset about the whole thing with A.” She looks at me with melancholy. “I’m sorry he’s been through all that. I feel so bad. Thanks for trusting us with that. I’m gonna talk to Michael. Make him understand.”
I nod. “He’s been hurting for so long.” Tears lodge in my eyes, but I blink them back. “He’s been alone. Never had anyone love him or care or anything.” I swallow past the lump in my throat. “The first time he hugged me, he didn’t even know if he was doing it right.”
Jade’s face falls, a hand against the center of her chest. “That’sheartbreaking.”
Elsie shakes her head. “I’ll make Michael see that this family needs healing, not war or hate. My God, there’s already too much hate out there. We don’t need any more.”
I puff out an exhale. “He’s done so much. I don’t know if they’ll ever forgive him.”
“They’re gonna have to.” Elsie picks up her berry smoothie and sips. “Adriel is still their brother, and they have no idea what they would’ve done had they gone through what he has.”
“Thanks for saying that.” I squeeze her other hand.
“Of course.” She stares up at the ceiling for a moment, lowering her cup. “They have to do this for Sophia’s sake. She keeps asking questions.”
“Like what?” I stare curiously.
“She likes to eavesdrop.” Elsie laughs. “I think she heard some stuff Fernanda said when she was over at the house after it happened. Because Sophia asked if A was her uncle.”
“What did you say?”
“I told her the truth.” She shrugs. “I wasn’t gonna lie to her. Michael was pissed when he found out, but I told him he can’t deny who his family is. That it was time he accepted it, regardless of whether he’ll welcome Adriel into the family or not.”
“Did he say anything?” I ask.
“Nope.” She rolls her eyes. “I swear they’re so damn stubborn. I wish we could force them into an intervention or something.”