But tomorrow, I’ll have to face them. No choice in the matter. Maybe I’ll plant some evidence about the doctor so they can look for him too. The more eyes, the better. I can’t do it alone. He needs to be stopped before he comes after Kayla again to finish what he started.
But I’ll never let that happen. I failed her once. I won’t do it again.
I headto meet Michael at Gio’s house the following day. Checking on Kayla’s location, I’m assured she’s in class with that bodyguard on her tail. Hopefully she’s safe there until I’m done with this bullshit with my brothers.
I’ve yet to speak to my mother, not knowing if she opened her mouth to them about our little reunion. But I don’t think she’s told them yet. Maybe she never will. If it’s because her guilt’s eating at her, then I’m glad. I hope it always does. I hope she suffers every day knowing her sins grew a monster. And that monster is me.
Arriving at a gated community, I park in the three-car driveway before I’m greeted by two men I recognize.
“They’re inside.” One tilts his head toward the door.
I nod before I open it, finding a few others on Michael’s payroll. As soon as they see me, they greet me.
“How you doin’, Chris?” He gives me a sharplook. “How’s the mother?”
“Not well.”
“Shit, man.” He frowns. “Sorry. Lost mine last year. I get it.”
“Thanks. Where’s Michael?”
“They’re in the den.” He points in that direction.
“Why aren’t you guys there?”
“We’re not on the intel for this assignment.” He shrugs. “Not high enough on the food chain.”
I snicker as I walk past, anticipation buzzing through my marrow. If my brothers are here to kill me, there are enough men here to ensure I don’t escape alive.
Rounding the corner, I head for the wide foyer, a few other men greeting me before I continue further past the large dining area, hushed voices coming through.
“We will get it done,” Gio says, then everyone goes quiet.
“Chris, that you?” Michael asks, and my hand immediately goes to the nine in my waistband.
“Yeah. Sorry if I’m late,” I say as soon as I enter, seeing my three brothers there plus a few others I recognize.
“Sit,” Michael instructs.
“I prefer to stand.” I grip the back of the chair with on hand, keeping the other close to my waist.
This is a fucking ambush. I can feel it.
“So…” Michael starts. “A few of the Cavaleris have taken hold of a couple of men. They’re being interrogated. We’ve also located more trafficking rings overseas connecting to whoever is running the show in Boston. We’ll be setting up teams to head to those locations. I’m putting you three in charge of those teams.”
He looks to the two other men, then to me, his eyes cast tightly.
“What do you think about that?” His question is directed at me.
“Whatever you need.”
“What I need is…” He paces closer. “Men I can trust.” His eyes are expressionless. “Think I can trust you?”
“Of course you can.” My tone is steady. My pulse too. Not a shred of evidence that I’m anything but a loyal little puppet in his army.