Page 140 of Savage Wounds

“Yeah, sure. Let me know if you’re okay.” His expression grows with concern as I nod and hurry off.

Once I’m out the door, I call her back. “Cammie?”


Except the heavy breathing. A man’s breathing.

And I know exactly who it is.

Chills quake across my skin, and panic tightens my throat. “Hello? Who’s there?”

The man’s cold laughter pummels through my bones.

“Don’t you fucking touch her!” I rush for my car. “Tell me where you are! Tell me what you want.”

It’s then I hear her crying.

Oh, God! What is he doing to her?

I start the engine, not sure where to go.


“Just tell me where you are! You can have me instead! Just let her go!”

When she sobs, pain lodges in my throat. He’s gonna kill her. No…

“You’ll get a text,” he says. “Come alone.”

The phone goes dead.

My hands tremble, and the cell slips from my fingers, landing right against my feet just as a beep informs me of an unreadmessage.

Panting, I grab it and read the text.


Parking lot. Your strip club.

Dropping the phone in the cup holder, I rush down the street, hoping I can get to her in time. Hoping I’m not too late.

When I arrive at the club, there are only a couple of cars there. No one but management is here during daylight hours, and I doubt they were checking the lot for suspicious activity. They’re usually in the basement of the club, going through finances or whatever else they have to do.

As I get out of my car, I don’t see anyone. My whole body shivers.

I already texted A, telling him what’s going on. He told me to wait for him, but I couldn’t risk something happening to her while I did.

My legs are weak, my footfalls drudging across the concrete as I glance all around me, wondering where the killer is. Where Cammie is. Whoever hurt her could be hiding. Unless he took her already.

No. I can’t be too late.

I keep walking toward the large dumpster where Ivy was once attacked. And at first, I don’t see Cammie. But once I round the corner, my shaky hand cups my mouth. Cammie lies facedown, ankles and wrists tied with zip ties, her mouth gagged.

“Oh, God!” I drop to my knees and lift her off the ground while simultaneously slipping off my jacket to put around her back.

Her chin tremors, and she starts to weep as I pull down theblack material he tied her mouth with. I don’t know how to get these damn ties off of her!

“Who did this to you? Did you see him? Is he hiding?” My heart races, needing answers.