Page 137 of Savage Wounds

“Yeah, uh…” I lower onto the brown leather. “I had tests and stuff. Had no time.”

He nods. “I understand the pressures of school, but you must put your mental health first or else you will fall back to your old habits.”

My heart beats faster. “Right, yes.”

“How are you doing otherwise? Have the nightmares been recurring? This madman is still on the loose. I can’t believe they’re not able to catch him yet.”

“The nightmares have been better.”

I ignore the part about the killer. It’s the last thing I want to think about, not after everything…

“Well, that is great. The medication is working, then.”


Or maybe the murders are. It’s been cathartic. Killing those men. Sometimes I forget they’re not the men from before, from my past. To me, though, they’re all the same. Same soul, different face. And in the end, your soul is all that matters.

“There is something I wanted to talk about,” I tell him.

And there goes my pulse, ricocheting in my throat.

“Of course.” Concern fits his thick gray brows. “What is it?”

“This is a bit uncomfortable for me, but I was thinking…”


“I was thinking of switching therapists.”

“Oh?” He narrows a gaze. “Any particular reason?”

“I think you may have been right. It’s difficult for me to talk about what I went through with a man. It’d be easier with a woman, you know?” I play with the hem of my t-shirt, hoping he buys it.

His mouth thins. “Of course. I understand. I can recommend someone within the center, unless you’re looking to go outside of it.”

“No, I’m going to stay in the center, and I already do have someone in mind.”

Complete bullshit, because I have no clue. There are numerous therapists here, and they’re all free.

“That’s wonderful.” He grins. “The most important thing is for you to get the help that you need. I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to talk to me about it. I do wish you all the luck in the world, Kayla. You have come so far. You’re doing great.”

I nod with a tight smile. It almost makes me feel guilty for leaving because right now he seems just like the man he always was.

“We can cut this session short if you’d like.”

“Yes. That would be great. I have to study before my classes later.”

“Well, it was nice knowing you, Ms. Jenkins. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.” He nods as I get to my feet and head for the door.


While Kayla is meeting with her therapist, I scan the police files online in my basement. Hoping to find some new piece of evidence on the Midnight Murderer, I look through everything the cops have.

I never expected there to be two killers. One was taller. That’s all I was able to get from the recording the night they hurt Kayla. Their faces were shrouded in ghost face masks. Nothing to go on at all.

I need to find them before they come for her again.

My phone vibrates on my desk, and when I stare down at it, I see Michael’s name.