It appears to be a simple bedroom. A bed and a loveseat in one corner, plus a cherrywood dresser and nightstand.
I’ve never been here before. What am I doing here?
I try to sit up, but throbbing in my stomach makes me fall back down. As soon as I do, I remember.
Being home. The attack. My stomach…
Oh, no…
I’m afraid to look at what they did to me.
I remember A rescuing me. It wasn’t a dream? Is this his place?
I’m in my own clothing, but different than what I had on whenI went to bed. I think. Someone dressed me.
“A?” I call for him.
Where is he?
My pulse thrashes at the thought that maybe I imagined the entire thing. Not the attack, but my rescue. Maybe someone else has me.
“Hello?” My words are croaky, weak. “A? Are you here?”
Keys chime at the door before it opens, and there he is, mask and hoodie on, and somehow that brings me comfort.
“Hey, babe. How are you feeling? I made you some tomato soup for when you feel like eating.”
I fight to sit up, groaning from pain. And he’s instantly there at lightning speed, helping me up to a seated position.
“I have a headache.” My fingers massage my temple.
He takes the bottle of meds and the water, the ones I hadn’t noticed on the nightstand, and gives me two pills. I take it, returning the water bottle back to him.
“What happened to me? How long have I been here?”
His chest rises and falls in quick succession. “Two days.”
How’s that possible?
“Kayla, I’m sorry.”
“Tell me what happened, please.”
I know I won’t like it, but I have to know. I have to know what he knows.
He wrestles with what to say, clenching and unclenching his hand.
“Two people came for you. It was him. The killer.” He chokes up with rage in his tone. “He…”
It’s then my fingers reach for my stomach, feeling the cotton there.
Panic sets in. Adrenaline kicking through my bloodstream. Suddenly, I’m on my feet, breathing heavy. Dizzy.
Oh, God. What did they do to me?!
“Show me!” I yank up my shirt and try to pry the gauze off. “What is it?” I tremble, angry tears filling my eyes. “Show me, God damn it!”