“Fine,” I say. “I’ll go this time. But you’ll give in soon enough.”
“Fucking Christ,” he mutters.
Laughing, I open the door and smirk over my shoulder as I head toward my home. He stays there until I lock up, and then I hear his car go.
I look out the window and don’t see my new bodyguard anywhere. Last I checked, he was still at the party. So easy to sneak away from these guys. I was able to lose him in the crowd, and he definitely didn’t see me with A when I left. If he did, he’d have shown up at the house we were in.
I lock both of the bolts on my door and make sure to secure the back one too. I can’t be too careful, not with everything going on.
Heading for the shower, I turn on the water, the spray pounding against the tiles like heavy raindrops. I strip away my clothes, feeling as though I need to wash it all away, even though I did that already at A’s.
Maybe it’s all the blood. Maybe it affects me more than I want to admit.
As I enter, something catches my attention, a distant sound like someone dropped something on the floor.
My heart races and my chest grows rigid as I grab a robe from the hook and slip into it. Taking a pair of scissors from the medicine cabinet, I open the door, listening for sounds. Maybe it’s Terrence coming in to check on me. Or maybe it’s just old wood or something outside. I can’t live in constant fear.
Once I’m in the living room, I scan the entire perimeter, not seeing a thing out of place.
“I’m being ridiculous.” I laugh to myself and head back intothe bathroom, keeping my cell close just in case.
I shut the door and lock it for good measure before I take a shower. Of course there’s no one in the house. My fingers massage the shampoo into my scalp. It’s normal to be scared. Anyone would be.
After I wash away the suds, I rinse off and dry myself quickly, needing to get to bed. Yawning, I drape the robe back on and head toward the staircase leading up to my bedroom.
The stairs creak in an ominous tone and fear prickles up my arms like a premonition or a warning. But I know I’m only scaring myself for no reason. A is close. He wouldn’t let anything happen to me.
I quickly get dressed and return a few texts from my friends to apologize for leaving the party early and thank them for such an amazing day. I make sure to let Elsie know I’ll pick up my car tomorrow, that I didn’t want to drive when I had something to drink.
Dropping the cell on my nightstand, I flip my comforter and slip under the cool cotton. It feels good to be here, but it would be better if A was beside me, keeping me warm.
My eyelids are heavy as sleep comes quick before it consumes me, and I let the darkness win.
Quiet,muffled voices wake me, growing steadily. It’s as though I’m dreaming. Floating. My body is languid and tingly.
“Make it quick,” one says to another in a whisper. “He’s gonna be looking for her.”
Make what quick?
Where am I?
Groaning groggily, I try to pry my eyes open, but I can’t seem to. Darkness entraps me, like something is shrouding my eyes.
Panic suddenly hits and I start to scream, and it’s then I realize my wrists are tied and I’m blindfolded. The pull on my wrists as I shout and jerk my body around causes my skin to burn.
“Shh. Don’t fight.”
I can’t make out the voice too well. It’s like I’m slipping in and out of consciousness even as my adrenaline fights to keep meawake.
“We need to hurry. Someone is going to come.”
Who’s saying that?! Where am I? Am I still home?
Sudden cool air hits around my breasts.