No, I refuse to believe it. He may not have been A, but I don’t think he’d do anything to harm me. Or maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I just don’t know how to read people.
With a deep sigh, I rush out into the yard and breathe in the fresh air.
Finally alone. Only a few people mulling around,not close enough to bother me.
I stare out into the expansive yard, acres upon acres of land. All the Messinas own mansions. I don’t know why someone needs to have a home this big. I’d feel lost inside these walls. I prefer something cozy.
I drag my phone out of my small handbag and check to see if there are any texts from A. But I find none. My heartbeats rap across my ribs, aching to hear his voice. To feel him. To know him. I don’t know anything about him. Not really. Not in the ways it matters. But I know he cares about me. I can feel the way he does. And I want that all the time without hiding my feelings for him.
“Hey, Kayla.”
I gasp, turning to the sound of Cammie’s voice, her eyes downcast, her arms covered in the long, see-through sleeves of her dress.
“Hey, Cammie! I’m so happy you’re here.”
She shakes her head and looks as though she’s about to burst into tears.
“What’s wrong?” I place a hand on her shoulder, concern weaving through me.
“You told her.” She sniffles. “You told Jade about my cutting.”
My pulse quivers in my throat. Jade would never break my confidence that way.
“Don’t deny it. It had to be you. Dr. Collins brought up self-harm rather discreetly, and coincidently after Jade mentioned to me how she noticed my arms and wanted to talk to me to help me. How could you?” Her tone rises, tears bathing her eyes. “I trusted you!”
My heart breaks watching hers do the same. I don’t want to lie to her. It wouldn’t be right. But I hate to think she’ll be evenmore upset with me. I take both her hands in mine and stare into her eyes.
“I’m sorry.” I’m crying now too. “I’m sorry you’re upset, but I’m not sorry I did it. Because you matter to me, Cammie, and if I could prevent something bad happening to you, then it was worth it. So you can be mad at me, but maybe, just maybe, I did the right thing. Maybe I saved your life. Because I want you to be here.”
“Why?” she snivels, shaking her head, wanting to rip her hands out of my grasp.
But I don’t let her run. I want her to hear me. To see herself the way I do.
“Why do you care what happens to me? I’m not Elsie or Jade. I’m not your friend. I’m a nobody! No one gives a fuck about me. Not even my own family!” She sobs heavily, and I take her in my arms and hold her against me.
“I give a fuck, Cammie. Jade gives a fuck. You’re loved. You matter. Your life matters. And your family? Well, they can go fuck themselves if they don’t see how special you are. We will get you help. We will do whatever we have to for you. And years from now, you’ll look back and realize maybe I did the right thing and maybe you’ll hate me a little less.”
Her laughter is a blubbering mess. “I don’t hate you.”
“That’s a relief.” I pitch back, clasping both of her shoulders. “Jade told me she’s helping you find a job. How about tomorrow we go and find you some interview clothes?”
“Really?” Her eyes widen. “I was just gonna get some donation clothes from Helping Hand.”
“I think you deserve something that is just yours.”
My heart warms at her bright smile.
She blinks back through her tears before throwing her arms around me. “Thank you.”
“Of course. You never have to thank me. It’ll be fun.”
“Yeah.” She huffs out a breath. “I should go get some rest back at the dorms. I’m exhausted.”
“Yeah, go. Thanks for being here.”
“Always. Thanks again.” She gives me one final look before she heads out.