Page 105 of Savage Wounds

“You keep saying that! But sorry isn’t going to change anything! You abandoned me, left me at the hands of those monsters, where I spent years wishing that my mother would come and save me. But you know what happened?” A stoic laugh emanates from my lungs. “She never did.”

“A…” Fat tears roll down her face.

“I want you to know! To see what they did to me! Those nuns. Those vultures.” I line the knife against her throat. “You’re no better, even when you pretend to be.”

She snivels, unable to catch her breath, while I flip the knife to a close and stuff it back in my pocket. With both hands, I remove my mask, not afraid of her knowing who I am. Let her see me. She won’t be coming out of this house alive.

When she sees my face, her vision grows.

“Oh my God…” she gasps. “The store! I—I remember you.”

I grin, relishing the shock on her features.

“I knew something about you felt familiar,” she coughs out with a whisper. “But I…I just thought it was because of your eyes. You still have those big, green eyes.”

Her bottom lip quivers as her sadness reeks like her death will.

“My father’s, you mean.” I grin. “I know about Patrick. Know about your sons. Your granddaughter. You have quite a beautiful family. You must be proud.”

“Please, don’t hurt her! I beg you. Do whatever you want to me. But not Sophia. She’s innocent!”

Her hands tremor on her lap, fear for the one she lovesencroached around her like a vise.

I grab the hem of my shirt and lift it off my body. “I was innocent too.”

Turning, I give her the brutality that was carved onto my skin, my flesh reborn into something even a mother wouldn’t love.

Her breaths come in jerky, panicked gasps. “Oh—oh my God. Wh-what have I done? My-my baby.”

Those treacherous sobs of hers return, making me want to choke them out of her. I’ve waited for this moment all my life, needing her pain, wanting to own it, to make her feel it as she takes her final breath.

“Don’t pretend you had no idea where I was, or that you couldn’t find out! You didn’t fucking care! You left me crying for you, needing you. Wanting you! And now? Look at me!”

She shakes her head and shuts her eyes, endless tears stamping through her vision.

“No! You fucking look at me,Mother!” I grab her throat, and she instantly returns her attention to me. “This is what you did to me!”

But she continues to sob, and I want to put a knife through her fucking throat so she stops.

“They used to tell me stories about how you didn’t care,” I tell her. “How you left me when I was a newborn. They’d whip me, tell me what a sinner I was. How no one would ever love me when my own mother didn’t.”

“That’s—that’s not true,” she weeps. “I loved you. I still do!”

Tears fall endlessly down her face. But I don’t for a second buy into her bullshit. She’d say anything to get out of here alive, to save Sophia, who she has no idea I’d never harm.

“You never loved me.” I squeeze her neck even tighter. “You never will. Your actions have proven that time and time again. Youhad so many fucking opportunities to get me out of that place, to tell me you were sorry for the mistake you’d made. But that never happened. So stop lying!”

All she does is cry, sniveling through her breaths like a dying animal.

“I’ve waited so long for this moment. To make you pay for everything.”

“I deserve it, son.” She blinks back her tears and nods.

“Don’t you dare call me that!”

“I don’t deserve to. You’re right. Do whatever you need to do to make this better for you. I will forgive you.”

“Who the hell says I need your forgiveness?! I need nothing from you. Not anymore!”