She releases a weighty sigh as I march up beside her, pointing toward the room.
“This way.” I pop open the door and let her in first. “You can relax here as long as you want to. I won’t be too long, though.”
“Okay, thanks.” She plays with her fingers, biting the corner of her bottom lip, making me want to be the one to suck it into my mouth.
When have I ever felt such strong sensations for a woman?
Never. It has never happened. And I’m not sure why it’s happening now. With her.
“If you need anything to eat or drink…” I tell her. “The fridge is downstairs, right past the den.”
I start to go.
Instantly, I freeze, as though she’s got the key to my body, to everything I am.
“Yes?” I look over at her from behind my shoulder.
Her fingers reach for me, and I badly want to touch them, but I don’t. Not with the blood soaking through my clothes.
“Thank you.” It appears as though she wants to say more, but changes her mind at the last moment.
“No need. I’ll be back.”
I have to get away for a bit before I do something I have no business doing to her.
She nods, pulling the comforter back and sitting on the edge. And the way my mind is picturing me lying behind her, that body curled around me, it’s downright wrong. I have nothing to give her. Nothing but blood and sin. Nothing but the broken child trapped inside me.
Heading back into the basement, I throw her clothes in the wash while I finish with the bodies and burn my own clothes. I plan on burning hers too. After she goes home, I’ll get them and get rid of them. Any evidence is evidence, washed clothes or not.
Once I’m done, the entire basement is clean and I’ve got new clothing on.
I make it back to my bedroom, peeking inside to find her eyes closed, her curves curled in a fetal position.
“Kayla?” I whisper.
No response. Her slow breaths make her body sway up and down, and that calming effect she has on me returns.
I remove my mask, getting some much-needed air as I sidle closer, my knuckles reaching for her beautiful face, needing to touch her skin. To be one with it. With her.
Featherlike, I glide my knuckles down her cheek, because this is the only way I can touch her. “I’m gonna take care of you, baby bird. I’m gonna take care of you like no one ever took care of me.”
The moment those words leave me, I know they’re true. I’ll do anything for her. Before I convince myself not to, I slip in beside her from the other side and throw my arm gently around her.
Something catches in my throat, and instead of fightingit, I embrace it. Embrace all these intense sensations burying themselves inside me like they’re burying their roots into my soul.
It’s as though my heart calls for her.
The beauty to my beast. The rose to my thorn.
An angel to my devil.
Because no matter what she thinks of herself, she’s not like me. Not really. She’s good. There’s never been anything good about me. My mother made sure I knew that.
Kayla makes an adorable little whimper and turns to me, burying her face in my chest like I somehow make her feel more at ease.