“You look kinda mad.” I grimace.
His laughter is like nails carving me on the inside. “Trust. Me.” He punctures those words. “This is me not mad. But I swear, you pull that again, and I’ll tell Michael to assign a second guard to your detail, then you’ll have more than one of us to deal with.”
That’s the last thing I need.
“Fine. I’m sorry, okay?” I throw a hand in the air. “I needed some time on my own. I hate being suffocated by people. Like I’m caged again. But I know what I did to you wasn’t right, and I am sorry.”
He nods, sighing deeply. “I get it. But don’t ever fuck with me like that again. If you want to be left alone, just tell me.”
“And you’d just be a good sport about it. Right…” I arch a brow.
“I’d take it under consideration, depending on where you’re going and if I’m able to track you, because that is my job.”
“Track me. Yes, of course. I always forget that I’m a child who needs tracking.”
I throw a palm up to stop him. “Don’t say anything else. It’s fine. I’m tired. Going to bed. Sorry for drugging you. Hope you slept well, at least.”
“Slept like a fucking baby.” He grins.
I turn on my heels and head for my bedroom. “You’re welcome.”
He laughs as I shut the door, pressing my back against the wall and calming my racing heartbeats.
I got away with it. He’s not mad, and he doesn’t know where I was and what I was doing.
Maybe I can do this. Maybe no one will know.
Or maybe I’m only fooling myself.
I guess we’ll find out.
The next day, my mind is still racing with all things Kayla. Watching her take the knife to that man’s body, feeling her in my arms, feeling her blood racing through her veins, knowing her heart was beating faster the more I held her…it did things to me. Things I never even knew could exist for someone like me.
But her pain, I understand it. I feel it like it’s my own. The things that were done to her are unforgiveable. And if there was a way to bring them all back from the dead, I would. Just so I could make them a sacrifice. For her. I’d set her on top of her throne while they bled before her feet. It’s what she deserves. But not all of them are alive for me to do that.
As for the ones who are? Well, they’re going to wish they weren’t.
Right now, one of my clients who has a brother in prison is passing him the names of four men who were part of the ones arrested for trafficking women. Two of them are the same ones who took Kayla and her friends off the road. The other two are businessmen who were caught using the club for their sick pleasures.
See, the thing with having the kind of business I do is I know a lot of people. And not all are clean. In fact, most are dirty. It’s why they want my products. To use them on their enemies. But having some of my most loyal clients in prison…well, it comes in handy.
Like now.
My cell rings. Just in time.
“Yeah?” I greet. “Is it done?”
“It is. Four days. He will deliver.”
I grin. “Good. Thank you.”
“No.Thank you. The added investment into the charity was a welcome surprise.”
“I do whatever I can.”