But as long as she’s not wanting to fuck that bodyguard, I’ll be okay.
“Fucking liar.”
“What?” she asks, a puzzled look on her face.
Jesus, I’m talking to myself now.
“Nothing,” I mutter. “You should go home. He’s gonna be looking for you. I’m sure those pills you gave him won’t keep him down too long.”
Her body tugs back and she straightens her spine. “How did you know I gave him pills?”
When I don’t answer, she blows an exacerbated breath.
“You could make a woman crazy with your silence.”
“I’ve got news for you, babe. You’re already crazy.”
She scoffs, and for a moment, I think I’ve hurt her feelings, but then she bursts out laughing.
And I would die a thousand times over just to hear her laughter all over again.
He called mebabe. My stalker called mebabe.
Most girls would run, but me? I want to go back inside instead and ask him to call me that just one more time. I stayed as long as I could. Until he was practically done. Nothing left but getting the body into his car.
With a sigh, I walk faster. I’m almost back to my place, hoping Chris is still there sleeping, or I’ll have a lot of explaining to do.
Reaching my door, I find it quiet as I step inside. Nothing out of the ordinary. Relief washes over me. He would ruin everything. He’d tell Michael, and Michael would eventually tell Elsie that I’m up to something, and then my parents would find out. That would be the end of it all.
But I can’t quit this. I need it.
Reaching the bathroom in the hallway, I quietly flip the light on and shut the door. Staring at myself in the mirror, I barely recognize the woman staring back at me. How did she become this?
I’ve killed. And yet I want to do it again.
They may not be my enemies, but they’re someone’s. They’ve left behind victims just like me. Just like all the other women and children who were held like I was. Like Elsie and Jade were.
I do this for all of us—getting rid of those who should never have been born. All they’ve done is ruin the lives of those who did nothing to them, and now I take their lives away. And I’m not sorry about it.
Needing to force myself to get some sleep so I can actually wake up for classes tomorrow, I head toward where Chris is sleeping before I head upstairs to my bedroom.
But as I pass the sofa, my heartbeats explode.
My eyes drown over the empty spot, the blanket lying haphazardly on the edge. He’s not here. But his car was. What the hell?
“Chris?” I call, my voice simmering with fear.
Nothing. I have no idea where he could be.
Quietly, I start to climb the stairs, the old wood groaning beneath my feet as I listen for any hints as to his whereabouts.
Wouldn’t he have called me? Tracked me? But there’s not a word from him.
Reaching into my duffel, I grab my phone and press a button to ring his number.