The nerves take a front seat, but I don’t let them stop me. Not when the door groans, not even when I step inside and realize this room is empty. Nothing but a desk and a chair. I release a breath of relief before I strut back out into the hallway and head for the last door on the left. It’s the only room he can be in.
Knowing he’s there helps me prepare. Unclipping my duffel, I remove the syringe, holding it in one hand while I use the other to open the door just as quietly.
When I pass the threshold, my body turns ice cold. But once my eyes adjust to the dark, I notice a body on the bed. I can make out a shadow of a face, like he’s sleeping on his back. He lets out a moan, like he’s having a bad dream.
As I creep the short distance, my arms prickle with goose bumps, hoping he doesn’t wake up.
I lift the syringe, getting ready to jam it into his throat to take him out so that I can kill him in peace. As soon as it pierces his skin, I can feel it. And further, I push the meds into his system, letting the liquid enter his veins.
I’m sure the missing propofol will be reported, but I was good at covering my tracks. They’re not gonna know it’s me.
Just as I pull out the needle, the light switches on, the brightness momentarily blinding me.
I release an audible gasp, my mind attempting to catch up with my body. My pulse drums in my throat while my eyes adjust to my surroundings.
I blink twice, because I swear there’s a large, black mass in the corner of the room.
My vision begins to clear, and I gasp at the hooded figure sitting on a single chair in the corner, a blade in his hand. His face is downcast, so I don’t see if he’s wearing his mask.
“A?” I shiver out, ready to hurl. “Is…is that you?”
He chuckles,and when he leans back into his seat and shows me that mask, my body sags in relief. For one moment, I thought it could be the Midnight Murderer, ready to take me as his newest trophy kill.
“Hey there, little wolf. Got hungry?” He extends his hand, the blade glistening as I slowly make it toward him.
“Wha-what are you doing here?” My stammering is quite pathetic, but I can’t get over the fact that he’s here. That he somehow found the man I was going after and…what?
I scan the body behind me and don’t see any signs of death. Fred is still groaning and mumbling now, the effects of the meds taking hold.
Unless…unless A had already drugged him too.
“Did you know I’d be here? That I was after him?”
He nods once.
“I wouldn’t want to spoil the fun.” He laughs. “I told you, I know everything about you, Kayla Jenkins.”
“Then why didn’t you kill him already? Why is he still alive?”
He tilts his head to the side and says nothing. That creepy mask is staring at me, yet it no longer terrifies me.
“I was being a gentleman, waiting for you to take care of it.”
“And they say chivalry is dead.” I take the knife offering, but stay rooted in place, wishing he’d take the mask off so I could see his face, know who he truly is.
“Never knew myself to be the chivalrous kind. Guess there’s a first time for everything.”
The handle is warm in my grip, and my eyes scan the sparkling blade. “You know what he’s done? Why I chose him?”
He nods. “I do. He deserves it.” Climbing to his feet, he towers over me, and tentatively, his fingers trek closer to mine, like he wants to touch me, but is afraid to. “I’d always be by your side, no matter who you chose to kill.”
He would?