“What do you mean,he has to stay at my house now?” I blink back at Michael with utter disbelief. “Tell me this is a joke.”
Beside me, Elsie rubs my arm, but it doesn’t help the situation. Not at all. How the hell am I supposed to live this way?
“It’s for your safety.” Michael’s tone is even. Assertive.
I have no choice. That’s what he’s truly saying.
“After what Chris found, all of you have to lie low, and all of you are getting extra protection.” He glances at Elsie.
“I’m so sick of this!” I let out a scoff. “I’m not scared. If they want me that badly, they can try to come after me too. I’m not afraid to fight back anymore.”
Chris’s mouth jerks at the corner.
I knew I shouldn’t have come over for lunch today. I know they’re trying to protect me, but I’m just… I’m just soover it all. I’m tired.
“I understand that,” Michael says, sounding wholly unconvincing. “But that doesn’t erase the danger you’re in. You know what those animals are capable of. Until we can extinguish them, you’ll have round-the-clock eyes on you.”
“I know this sucks,” Elsie murmurs, squeezing my hand. “I hate it too, but we have to think about ourselves. This is only temporary. Michael and his brothers will find them all and bring them to justice.”
What she means by that is they’re all gonna die. Which, of course, I’m fine with. The sooner, the better.
“Yeah, okay, fine.”
Yet I internally protest, sending Chris an irritated glower. The bastard has the decency to shoot me a half-smirk.
“You better not snore or anything,” I say to him. “Or I will throw you outside with the bats.”
“Don’t snore, ma’am.” His eyes sparkle as that smirk only deepens. “And I like bats.”
“Of course you do.” I roll my eyes.
Saying my goodbyes, I spin on my heels and head for the door, needing to get to my therapy session with my doc.
Chris strides up beside me.
“Where to next, roomie?” he whispers with a hint of amusement I’d like to wipe from his smug face.
“Therapy. And no, you can’t come inside.”
“That’s a pity. Bet you’d have a lot of good things to say about me.” A knowing chuckle escapes through a breath as we make it outside.
I stop mid-stride.
“Like what?” My gaze narrows at him.
But he only laughs, almost to himself, as we step out into the driveway.
And I have a sinking suspicion I know what he meant.
He heard me dreaming. About him.
He must have my placed bugged.
Fuck me.