Page 41 of Savage Wounds

With a groan, I plop back against the pillows. Of course I was dreaming. Neither of them would want someone like me. I bet they can smell the damage coming a mile away.

Groaning, I turn into a fetal position, forcing myself to try to go back to sleep. But as I do, I catch sight of something new on top of the other nightstand.

A note and another white lily.

My pulse thrums, my body jerking from the shock of it.

Does this mean he was here? During my…

“Oh my God!”

How did I not hear him? Did he come through the back window in my sparebedroom? The back door? Chris would’ve seen him if he came from the front.

Nervousness coats through my limbs as I pick it up and read the words he wrote.

Were you thinking about me while you slept, little wolf? Did I make you moan like that? Did you dream about me inside you? I know you did. You can’t deny it. I heard you groan my name. But I heard HIS too. And I don’t like it. You’re mine now, and I never quite learned how to share.


With lurching breaths, I jump out of bed and rush for the window, noticing that Chris is still there. But as I look to the right, opposite him, I notice a shadow lurking.

Someone all in black.

I open my window and call for him, because I know it’s him.

“A! Show me your face! Stop playing games!”

I don’t know what the hell I’m thinking, but I’m not. I need to know who he is! That’s the only thing fueling me right now.

Hastily, I sprint out of my room and down the stairs, racing outside barefoot, where Chris is already waiting with concern on his features.

“What’s wrong?” His hand is on his waistband, and I bet there’s a gun there. “Did you see someone?”

I nod nervously. “There was a man in a hood. I—I think. I saw him for a second before he ran off.”

“I’m gonna go check it out. Go back inside and lock the door.” He drops his palm on my shoulder and gives me a forceful look. “Do not come out for any reason. Do you understand me, Kayla? This isn’t a joke.”

I nod. “I understand. Please…” Instinctively, I place a palm around the stubble of his cheek, and his jaw tenses. “Be careful.”

A will not hesitate to kill you if he has to.

He doesn’t move, doesn’t speak, while my hand remains there, but I can see his throat bob before he gently removes my hand.

“Go inside. Now.”

I do what he asked and lock the door behind me, while he runs off toward the wooded area.

I pray like hell that A doesn’t hurt him, and that he doesn’t hurt A either.


Rushing through the pitch-black forest, I flip on my flashlight to help illuminate the path the man ran through.

I can hear him in the distance, the quiet footfalls crackling through the branches.

Someone came for her. Someone who didn’t know or care that I was watching.

How thefuckdidn’t I see him?