Page 24 of Savage Wounds

They’ll learn soon enough, though.

It’s a shame I haven’t seen Kayla here before. Had I, I’d have known who she was connected to before I saw her at the bar that first time.

Michael usually has me doing work outside the house. But today he needed some of the other men to travel for an overseas job, so he called on a few extras to run ops.

“What are we doing here?” Chris asks her.

She snickers, drilling him with an irritated stare. “Look, I don't need a babysitter, okay? So how about you go and get some food somewhere?”

“That's not what I heard.” He crosses his arms. “I heard you very much do need a sitter.”

“Wait…” Her eyes widen. “He told you?”

He nods.

Of course Michael told him she killed a man. With him protecting her, he has to know what he’s getting himself into.

“Oh my God…” She squeezes her temples between two fingers and shuts her eyes for a moment. “Listen, you cannot tell anyone, okay?”

“I don't plan to. That would mean death. So, I will ask again,whatare we doing here?”

I can see her chest puff out as she wonders what to tell him. She paces back and forth a few times before she stops in front of him.

“This may shock you, but I work here.” She straightens her spine like she’s ready to fight whatever judgment he’s gonna dish out. “I’m a stripper, and this is something I do forme. So if you’re uncomfortable with that, then I suggest you make an excuse and quit.”

His brow lifts a fraction.

“Oh, and let’s get one thing straight.” She digs her index finger into his chest, staring heatedly at him. “You keep your mouth shut about it, okay? I know you work for Michael, but you cannot tell him or anyone about this. It would ruin me.” Her hand returns to her side. “And the last thing I want is for my parents to find out. This would break their hearts.” Her face falls as she glances down at her feet before gathering her composure once more. “They’ve been through enough, and so have I.”

His expression grows stiff. “It's not my job to tell anyone your business. My job is to keep you safe.”

“It won't bother you to see me naked?”

“Is it supposed to bother me?” His mouth hikes up, and he keeps his eyes connected with hers.

“I don't know…” she ponders, gaze wandering down his chest. “I mean, I think it’d make me uncomfortable to seeyounaked.”

“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not the one who’s stripping, then, Ms. Jenkins.”

She scoffs, and her cheeks grow pink. “Kayla.”

“Right.” He chuckles. “Well, Kayla, I can keep my eyes closed if it would make you feel better.”

“Pretty sure you won't be able to do that.”

“Why? Think you have what I want?”

“No…” Her face twists harshly and it’s a bit adorable. “Because there are literally dozens of naked women at the club, and there's no way you're not going to want to look at them.”

“I think it's cute how you think you know me.” He chuckles.

“You think I'm cute?” She fights a bemused smile. And I very much would love to see it.

“I didn't say that.” His lips turn up at each end.

She pivots on her heels and starts toward the entrance. “Sure you didn't. Now, come on. I’m running late. Stay in the back and don’t kill anyone.”

“I think I should be tellingyouthat.”