He stares with kind brown eyes. “I’m afraid you won’t be able to have kids of your own because of some internal damage the bullet caused.”
Something heavy and cold and all-consuming hits me all at once.
“Oh.” I force a tendril of a smile. “I see.”
Anguish creeps up my throat until it becomes hard to mask these emotions I didn’t think I’d feel. Because I didn’t want them. I didn’t want kids. I said that over and over again. But why?! Why is my heart ripping in two?
“We have a counselor on staff who will speak to you. If there’s anything I can help with, any other questions, just let the nurses know.”
“Mm-hmm.” I widen that smile, widen it until my face splits, until he thinks I’ve gone insane.
Or maybe he can see right through me.
A squeezes me closer to him, because he knows. He always does.
“I’ll leave you both to it. You should be able to go home tomorrow night, assuming you’re not in major pain.”
“Great! Thanks. Can’t wait to get out of here.” My tone goes all shrill.
I need him to leave!
His expression tenses as he turns with the nurse and they bothleave us.
As soon as they do, this heavy, blistering swell of my feelings hits me like a tsunami and I sob against Adriel’s chest.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispers, holding me tight.
I don’t even care if I can barely breathe. Because I’m dying on the inside.
“I didn’t want them.” I wipe briskly under my eye as I look back at him. “I told you I didn’t want kids, so why the hell am I crying?” I laugh through the roar of my tears.
“It was taken from you. That’s why.” He cradles my face in his tender palms. “It was taken and you lost the choice, and I’m so fucking sorry, baby.”
He’s never called me that before.
It only makes me weep harder, and I do just that.
“We can have them if you want.” He kisses the top of my head. “We can have kids. We can find a way.”
Blinking back, I say, “But you don’t want kids.”
“I want whatever you want, little wolf. So if you want a baby, then we’ll figure it out.”
“Yeah.” The back of his hand glides softly across my jaw. “It’ll always be we now.”
My chin quivers, not knowing how I’ll survive this pain. So much has been taken from me. But when I feel his embrace, I realize that through the hell of my despair, I’ve found more than I ever thought possible.
I found love.
Kissing across her forehead,I tuck her into my bed. Well, technically, our bed since she’s moved in with me now.