Page 169 of Savage Wounds

“She said she didn’t want to give you away, but her mommy made her the day you were born. She said her mommy didn’t give her a choice, and that she would send Grandma away and would take both you and Uncle Raph away too.”

What? Her mother?

But that still doesn’t excuse her never looking for me. She hadtime and money. She could’ve found me. She chose to close her eyes and forget.

Sophia sighs. “She cried a lot and said she had a picture of you in her wallet so that she never forgets you. She said she loved you. A lot.”

I scoff. “I don’t know about that.” Those words slip out of me gruffly.

“I’m sorry you’re sad. But I’m happy you’re my uncle.” She places her head on my shoulder. “You’re really nice.”

I laugh under my breath. “Wait until you actually get to know me.”

She giggles.

“Wait a minute, though.” My brows furrow as I glance back at her. “How did you even know she was talking about me?”

“Oh, that’s easy.” She waves off with another roll of her eyes. “She said you had very green eyes like Grandpa Patrick. And when I saw you at the park, you had green eyes too. So I figured…” She shrugs. “It had to be you. Then I asked my mom and she told me who you were, and I knew I was right.”

“You’re kinda smart.”

“Yeah.” She drops her head back on my shoulder. “You told me that already.”

“I did, didn’t I?” I chuckle, recalling that day when I called her insightful and she asked what it meant.

Just then, the doctor walks out in yellow scrubs, removing his cap, and I’m in front of him in an instant.

Keeping Sophia in my arms, I grab his wrist. “Tell me.”



A flashof light zaps in and out of my vision, and there’s a groaning sound that I think is coming from me.

With my lashes flickering, I gaze through the slits of my eyes at the blaring lightbulb staring down.

My brain’s foggy, and I can’t make out where I am. Shivering, I attempt to sit up, my vision adjusting to the white walls I’m trapped in.

“Hello?” I whisper, but my voice comes out all croaky and screechy.

Blinking a few times, I find wires coming out of my arm.

A hospital. That’s where I am. But why? I close my eyes and think to the last thing I remember. The call from Cammie… Prince.

“Oh, God…”

She shot me? Did he? I don’t remember exactly, but I remember everythingelse.


I startle at the thought of her being gone. Where is she? She can’t be gone!

I remember A. He came for us. He had to have gotten us both out. When I try to move this time, my stomach aches.

“Shit,” I mutter, and as I do, a door opens, and that’s when I see him.

My mouth moves of its own accord, picking up into a smile. Am I dreaming? Is A really here?