Page 168 of Savage Wounds

“I’m sorry.” His stern expression doesn’t make it seem as though he is, nor why he’s apologizing. “She clearly means a lot to you. I’m sorry this happened. That she’s here.”

“Should’ve been me. If I wasn’t at a fucking meeting, I would’ve been here!” I dig a fist into my forehead.

“I get it. Won’t feed you bullshit to make you feel better, because if Elsie was in the hospital, I’d feel the same way.”

I don’t respond. There’s nothing to say. I don’t know what the hell to say to any of them. I don’t even want to be here with them, but I also don’t want to be alone.

“The ring…” He glances behind his shoulder at Sophia, who’s in Raph’s arms, her pout breaking whatever’s left of my heart. “The ring you gave her. It had a tracker, didn’t it?”

I shrug. “Maybe.”

He chuckles wryly. “Not mad about it. It’s how you found her, and I’m grateful for that. No matter what. Understand?”

“I didn’t do it for you.”

“Doesn’t matter who you did it for. Matters that you did it.” He smiles at his daughter, who catches his eye.

It’s beautiful, his love for her. At least some in this family know what it means to be a parent.

“She likes you,” he tells me.

“I like her too.” Peering at her, I ask, “How is she processing everything?”

I can’t imagine what that’s doing to her—seeing the murders, being kidnapped.

“Not the first time she was taken or saw someone die.” His expression stiffens. “I’m failing her, yet it’s the only kinda life she knows.”

Neither of us say anything else, both looking at Sophia. When she sees me studying her, those big brown eyes of hers pop wide. Without hesitation, she jumps out of Raph’s arms and straight into mine. And thanks to Kayla, I know just how to hold her.

“Thanks again for saving me and Kayla.” She curls both of her thin arms around my neck, her gaze full of affection that I’ve only recently grown to understand or feel or want.

Never having people who care for you, then having someone who does… It’s funny how you realize how lost you were without it.

I cup her face. “You don’t have to thank me for that. I’ll always come and save you.”

“I know.” She kisses my cheek. “Kayla is gonna be okay. You’ll see! I made a special wish with Santa and told him that this year all I want is for Kayla to be okay, and he’s super magical, so he will make my wish come true. I just know it!”

I nod, pain lodged in my throat. “I think you’re right; she will be okay.”

Michael leaves us to settle on one of the empty chairs beside his mother, while I continue to focus on my niece, who’s the only family member I actually like.

“So…” I ask her, narrowing my eyes. “Why did you call me your uncle back in the house?”

She rolls her eyes. “That’s ’cause you are.”

“And how do you know that?” I tilt up a curious chin.

She cups her hands around her mouth and lowers it to my ear. “Don’t tell anyone I told you, but a few days ago, when Grandma was super sad, I heard her talking to Mommy.”

I jerk back and narrow an amused stare. “You mean you were snooping.”

“Of course not.” She snickers, her face upturning like I said the most ridiculous thing even as her lips jerk. “I was there to gather information about why Grandma was sad,” she clarifies rather cleverly. “So I could cheer her up. Obviously. It just sohappensI heard some stuff.”

I chuckle. “Mm-hmm. Go on.”

“So, Grandma was telling Mommy how sad she was that she had to give you away.” Her brows furrow, and she lays her hand against my cheek. “I’m sorry that happened to you.” Her eyes grow sad, and my heart beats faster.

I don’t say a word. I can’t. Incapable of forming a sound. Because her words mean more to me than her young soul realizes. I place my hand on top of hers as she continues.