I don’t like the idea of her driving by herself in the dark while upset. I intend to text her in an hour to make sure she’s back.
As I turn back around to head inside, Dr. Collins is behind me, his expression grim for a moment.
A sudden cold shudder rushes up my back.
But quickly, he recovers and his mouth twitches. His fingers perch his glasses up on his trim nose. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I hope you know I didn’t mean to cause you any issues with Cammie.”
I smile faintly, unsure why he’s even here to begin with. Did someone invite him? Did he just show up? That’s kind of odd. We aren’t friends that way.
“It’s okay,” I say. “She’s just upset. I’m glad she has your help and Jade’s help.”
“She’s a very troubled young woman.” He tsks with the shake of his head. “I do worry for her wellbeing. What she could do to herself… But I will do everything I can to help her.”
He takes a step toward me and grabs my forearm, looking intently at me.
My stomach churns.
“You have my word, Kayla.”
“Uh…” I laugh uncomfortably. “I believe you.”
Why is he being so odd?
“Well, I hope you have a great time at the party. I’m gonna go and talk to Jade for a moment.”
“Sure, I’ll just go and see myself to all that food.” He grins and appears more himself now. Yet I can’t shake this weird feeling.
I give him a smile before rushing off, slipping between people to find Jade and Elsie dancing together.
“Hey, there she is!” Elsie grabs my hands and forces me to dance with her.
For a second, I resist, but then I do. I slide my hips, throw my arms in the air, and let go, throwing my head back to the upbeat song. Being here, living another year, being with my friends and family, I’m so lucky.
My eyes scan the glass doors I came back into the house from, and as I stare through it, I find a large black mass peering at me through the distance.
The hair of my arms rise, prickling against my flesh.
“A?” I whisper, my heart beating. “Is that you?”
My body stills, staring at the hooded figure, unable to see him. Is he wearing a mask? Is he hiding out there without one?
“Excuse me,” I tell my friends, my voice lost, barely audible.
But they’re too busy having fun, Enzo now joining them, dancing between them with a beer in hand.
I slowly head back outside, needing to know if it’s him. If he’s here, watching me. My fingers reach for the necklace he gave me, and I have yet to take it off. It’s with me always, like he is. This man who has somehow pierced himself into my very soul until all I know is him.
Rushing out the doors, I don’t see him anywhere. I dash in every direction, my head turning this way and that. Waiting. Hoping. Needing to see him.
Disappointment echoes in the chambers of my heart, tears prickling behind my eyes as I sprint further down the estate, running toward the fountains.
Almost breathless, I stop in the middle of the empty place, knowing I imagined it. Knowing he isn’t here after all.
Sadness unfurls within me as I shake my head, starting back toward the party.
A crack of something catches my attention. Like a twig breaking in the distance.
Fear creeps into my veins, and I start a mad dash toward the house until a strong arm grabs me from behind.