Page 89 of One Night

A hot tear streaked down my face, and I blinked it away without much success as another fell just as swiftly. My entire existence I had been fading into the background of small-town life, but this man was putting me first—not only with his words, but with every action, every day.

“Don’t cry, baby. I’m trying to tell you that I love you—that I have loved you for far too long without telling you. Before we ever got pregnant, I fell in love with your smile, your humor, your heart. I used to imagine a world where Outtatowner didn’t exist and I could flirt with you, sweep you off your feet, and take you for coffee. Show you off to my family. I don’t care what your last name is as long as it eventually becomes Sullivan.”

A sob broke free as I buried my head into his broad chest. His arms enveloped me, pulling me into his warmth. Between us, our baby went wild, dancing and kicking as if to urge,Say it back! Daddy wants us! He loves us!

I smiled into him and squeezed him closer. “I love you too. Please don’t ever let go.”

His arms grew tighter. “Never.”

Staringat the opulent front door of Bug’s home, I steeled my spine.

Under the guise of Aunt Bug needing help at her house, my brothers were held captive. She had them dusting high spaces, moving and rearranging furniture, and whatever else she could think of to keep them occupied before I arrived.

Behind the heavy wooden door, I could hear their grumpy, argumentative voices overlapping as they suffered through the wrath of Aunt Bug. I stifled the tiny, petty joy that brought me.

Turning the handle, I held my head high and pushed through the door. Attention swiveled my way as my brothers all paused. They had the good sense to look more humble than cocky as I crossed the threshold and removed my new winter coat.

“Hey, Syl!” Royal called out with a wave of his hand and a grin on his bruised face.

I shook my head. “Don’t you ‘Hey, Syl’ me. I’m here to talk.” I watched the humor melt from his face. “To all of you.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. Slowly, my brothers set the living room furniture down and stepped toward me. I didn’t miss the wave of confusion that rolled through the collective row of men standing before me. I was certain they had never experienced a steaming-mad, hormonally charged pregnant woman, especially one who knew all their secrets and was ready to detonate.

Their injuries ranged from bruises to minor cuts to scabby knuckles. I breathed in deep.

Idiots, the whole lot of them.

I didn’t even know where to begin. Suddenly the overwhelming urge to fold in on myself and hide was palpable. It was so much easier being the soft, quiet King who faded into the background.

Nothing positive came from disappearing, so I set my shoulders.

“Where’s the fire?” Whip laughed at his own joke, and I rolled my eyes.

“The fire”—I made air quotes as I barreled on—“is that I had sex with Duke Sullivan.”

“Uh...” Abel’s permanent scowl somehow deepened as he gestured toward my belly. “We got the memo.”

Royal covered a laugh with a half-assed cough, and I glared at him.

“I had sex with Duke Sullivan because we shared a secret friendship for nearly a year, and we both developed real feelings.”

They stilled at the secret I had kept for so long. I had gripped that secret so tightly, and I still wasn’t able to keep it. I was ready to have the full truth out in the open. No more hiding. “I am in love with him. And he loves me.” My words turned watery as my emotions swelled, but I pressed on. “I never wanted to choose between my family and him, but your petty behavior is forcing my hand.”

Whip softened as tears rolled down my cheeks. “We were just looking out for you, Syl.”

My eyes snapped to him, fury overtaking me. “I am a grown woman! I don’t need my brothers acting like they have any say whatsoever in my lifeormy choices.”

I looked at each of their faces, making eye contact with every single man-child in that room. A sick part of me was amused that they looked a little worse for wear. At least it wasn’t just Duke who’d resembled a punching bag—apparently the Sullivans got a few shots in too.

Serves them all right.

“This is the line.” I pointed at the ground. “If you want any kind of relationship with me or my son, you will not do this again. If you want to go around acting like children, plastic-wrapping each other’s toilets or whatever else it is that you do,fine. But violence? Fights over things that are quite literally none of your fucking business? Absolutely not.” I lifted my chin. “You will not hurt the people who will be a part of my family, and they will not hurt you. I am done with this.”

I swiveled on my heels, ready to make a hasty exit when a slow clap started behind me. Stunned, I slowly turned to face mybrothers. Royal stood tall, hands clapping. Only... he wasn’t mocking me. He wasgrinning.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Get over here.” He opened his arms and gestured for me to accept his hug. “That was the most badass proclamation, Syl. You’re scary as hell. My asshole puckered.”