Page 87 of One Night


The tension snapped. Fists flew. Whip dove at Beckett, but he dropped an elbow to his back before tumbling to the snowy ground. I shoved Royal back, and he caught me in the eye with a cheap right hook. Heat and pain bloomed across my cheek.

When I dove at him, he held me at arm’s length as the rest of the brothers tussled. Abel stood on the sidelines, his huge body vibrating with indecision. Russell did nothing to stop it; rather, he watched from his perch on the enclosed porch with a grin.

“Enough!” My bellow echoed in the darkness, and,thank fuck, everyone paused as I bent over, sucking in breaths. “We are not doing this.” I held my hands up and hoped Royal wouldn’t take another punk-ass shot. He lowered his hands, and I breathed an audible sigh of relief. “Why are we even doing this?” I pointed at JP. “Do you even know?” I looked at the rest of them. “Do any of us?”

JP’s hands flexed at his side as Lee released the collar of his shirt with more force than necessary.

“I want to make a deal,” I continued between heavy breaths. “For all intents and purposes, Sylvie and I are out of anything to do with the feud.” I stood, balancing myself and painfully sucking in cold air. “I also want you to back off any inquiries into Sullivan land and the mineral rights held there.” JP quirked his eyebrow, and I didn’t have time to decipher the look of surprise that flickered over his features.

“What’s in it for us?” Abel defiantly lifted his chin.

The porch door creaked as Russell King pushed it open and sauntered down the pristine steps. “You can have your deal if”—his voice oozed condescension like a snake oil salesman on the prowl for his next witless victim, and he held up one finger—“that baby boy of yours bears the King name.”

Fresh fury tore through me.Not a fucking chance.

“No.” Wyatt’s deep rumble beat me to it as I stood in stunned, enraged silence. “It’s ridiculous you would even think it was an option, old man.”

Russell leaned back on his heels, clasping his hands in front of him. “Then we’ll let the chips fall where they may.” I wanted to wipe that smug smile off his face forever. “Sylvie will come crawling back. They always do.”

With that, he turned and walked into the house without another word. Despite fresh bruises blooming on their faces, I didn’t miss the uncomfortable glances the King men shared.Russell King was a monster of the highest caliber, and the choke hold he had on his children was unfathomable.

“We’re leaving.” Wyatt gripped my tense shoulder and guided me away. Beckett followed silently behind us. I had wanted toendthe feud, but nothing had been accomplished. Waves of shame and defeat rolled over me. I didn’t bother eyeing the brothers as they retreated into the house.

We stood beside Lee’s truck as I dragged in a ragged breath. “I’m so done with this.”

Beckett flexed his hand as though it was sore, and Wyatt rolled his shoulder.

Lee was visibly upset, a small cut on his lip already crusting with blood. “You tried, man. No one would blame you if you decided it isn’t worth the heartache.”

My eyes whipped to him. “I’m choosing her. I willalwayschoose her.”

Lee swallowed, his eyes wide. “I didn’t mean—Jesus, man, I?—”

I shook my head and swiped Wyatt’s hand away from my biceps, giving me some much-needed space to breathe. To feel my fury bubble over. “No. You both need to hear this. This relationship? The life that Sylvie and I are desperately trying to create for ourselves? It is theonlything I have ever taken for myself.” I dragged my hand through my hair and let loose a humorless chuckle. “You have no clue, do you? No idea how many years I pined for her in deference foryourfeelings. I’m not doing it any longer.”

I turned my back and climbed into my truck, closing the door with a slam. My brothers had the good sense to look stunned and ashamed as I left them in the cold darkness.




Had to teach your guard dog a lesson. So that’s the kind of man you’re tying yourself to?

I pacedacross the hardwood floors of the living room. I’d be shocked if there wasn’t a groove below my feet from worrying about Duke. My emotions tumbled from praying he was okay, to being completely shocked he’d left me at the hospital so he could feed into this ridiculous and childish rivalry.

I’d finally settled intopissed right the fuck off.

The crunch of tires on snow had me waddling toward the couch and plopping down. I didn’t want him thinking I was actuallyworried. I grabbed the magazine off the end table and thumbed through it with an aggressive flick of my wrist and a chip on my shoulder.

I didn’t even look up when the door clicked closed behind him.

Flick.My eyes scanned the glossy pages without even comprehending the words. I knew it was petty to ignore his presence, but I wasn’t about to be the first person to breakthe silence. His warm, masculine scent filled the living room, and I placed a hand on my belly after our son decided to do somersaults in greeting to his dad.

I squeezed my eyelids together.Not now, kiddo. We’re supposed to be angry.