Page 83 of One Night

Her gentle laugh was the balm my heart needed. “I don’t know what happened. I think the glass was already on the ground when I stumbled and just caught it at the right angle.”

“It’s not deep, just a superficial cut that got her in the right spot,” Lee assured me. “Sometimes those bleed like the devil.” Lee gave a charming smile and winked at Sylvie. My brother turned to me. “I’d still like her to go in, though. Get checked out and make sure everything’s all good with the baby, since she took a tumble.” He focused his attention back on Sylvie. “Are you sore anywhere? Any cramping? Tender spots?” His hold on her elbow was gentle, and she shook her head. “Do you think you can stand?”

She nodded and allowed MJ and Lee to lift her to her feet. I stepped forward, and she melted into me. “What were you doing here?”

I held her in my arms and swayed slowly. “I should ask you the same thing.”

“Sloane texted that there was some drama going down at Royal’s shop.” She gestured with her head. “We were just over at the café having a slice of pie.”

“Playing hooky from the Bluebirds?” I asked, trying to help her think about anything other than my reckless cousin and what had gone down tonight.

“How do you know about that?”

I stifled a smirk, not wanting her to know about my scheming with MJ or my secret meeting with the Bluebirds. Not yet at least. “Just a guess.” I looked over Sylvie’s head at my brother. “Does she need to go by ambulance?”

He finished writing something on his clipboard and looked at me. “That would be up to her, but no. I think she’d be all right to head on in and get checked out.”

I glanced at her to see what she wanted to do, and she smiled at Lee. “Duke can take me.”

“Sounds good.” Lee clicked his pen. “Guess I’ll see if there are any other idiots who need medical attention.”

“Matty’s gonna need to get checked out for a concussion,” I offered.

Lee straightened, a curious look on his face as he glanced toward our little cousin just as I turned and punched Matty in the jaw, knocking him out cold.



Two hours later,I was itching for everyone to stop looking at me with pitying eyes. Duke had taken me to the hospital but wouldn’t give me two inches of breathing room. MJ had followed and was running interference in the hallway, as my overprotective brothers would not stop calling.

The pressure pot in Outtatowner was whistling a shrill cry thatsomethingwas about to explode.

I sneaked a glance at the father of my child, whose leg was bouncing as he stared at the faded linoleum floor. Maybe it was more likesomeone. Duke looked as though he was about to go nuclear.

We were only waiting for my discharge papers after a thorough checkup and being reassured that the baby was fine. The second hand tick of the clock was deafening as we waited.

“Do you think you could get me some water?” At the creak in my voice, Duke shot to his feet and looked me over from head to toe. I stifled a tiny eye roll—I am fine—then pasted on a small smile. Without a word, Duke stormed out of the ER room.

MJ poked her head around the doorway. “All clear?”

“I sent him on an errand.” I scooted over to allow my little sister to share the small bed with me.

She lay beside me, resting her head on my shoulder. “He’s like a hot, moody warden.” Her body racked with an exaggerated, playful shiver.

“He’s always been moody,” I reminded her.

“He’s worse with you.”

A tiny ball of warmth bloomed in my chest. She wasn’t wrong. Duke was grumpy and probably a bit overbearing, but coming from him, it wasn’t stifling. It mostly made me feel loved.

Not that he loves me.

Fresh tears pricked like tiny knives behind my eyelids. I let out a slow breath.

MJ sat up to look me over. “Does it hurt again? Should I call the nurse?”

I shook my head, adjusting my bandaged arm. “It’s not that. I just...” My hands moved over the swell of my belly. “How could I have been so dumb?” My voice was tiny. I hated myself for even admitting it aloud.