“Goodbye, Darren. Have a safe trip back to New York.”
“Thanks. It was good to see you again, Luis.”
Luis gave him a slight nod as Darren walked out the door.
“Now that the snake is slithering his way out of town, everyone can relax,” Luis spoke.
I smiled as I lightly patted his arm and went back up to my office.
* * *
“How is Olivia doing?” Katherine asked as I was restocking the bar.
“She’s okay. The doctor put her on bed rest for a couple of days and told her to take it easy.”
“I have to hand it to you, brother. You’re an amazing person taking her to the hospital. But honestly, she needs to find new friends.”
“Adalyn stopped by the boat this morning and brought me a coffee.”
“She did?” A smile crossed her lips. “Why?”
“To thank me for the pep talk last night. She said she finally got the closure she needed.”
“That’s great. Now, maybe she can move on.” She winked.
“She noticed I was wearing the same clothes as last night.”
“Did you tell her about what happened with Olivia?”
“No. It really isn’t my place to discuss Olivia’s medical issues with anyone.”
“I see.” Katherine took a rag and wiped down each table in the bar and grille before we opened for lunch. “So what did you tell her?”
“I just said I was out all night and had just gotten in.”
“I have an errand to run. I’ll be back in a while,” she said.
“Sure. Okay. I’ll see you when you get back.” I smiled.
* * *
When the bell above the door rang, I saw Katherine walk in.
“Katherine, it’s good to see you.” I hugged her.
“It’s good to see you too. I’m looking for a specific painting by Walfrido.”
“Which one? All of our Walfrido paintings are displayed over here on the wall.”
“This is it.” She smiled. “Entrance to Paradise.”
“That’s a lovely painting. Is it for you or a client?”
“For me.” She grinned. “I’m not doing any freelance work at the moment. I’ll take it.”