“Hey, Luis. Adalyn, good to see you,” Colin said as he stepped into the kitchen.
“Hey, Colin.” I looked down.
“Come on, Colin. I’ll show you where we want the TV,” Luis said as he got up from the table.
Luis, Alfred, and Colin left the kitchen and went upstairs.
* * *
“What’s wrong with Adalyn?” I asked because she looked upset.
“You didn’t hear this from me, but she just ran into her ex at your Aunt Rosie’s.”
“What? What is he doing here?” I asked.
“Apparently, he tracked her down and wants to talk,” Luis spoke. “You can see she’s upset about it. I better get back down to her. Alfred will show you where the TV is going.” He patted my shoulder.
After I got the TV hung, I went down to the kitchen.
“Can I talk to you alone?” I asked Adalyn.
“Sure. We can go down by the water. You don’t mind, do you?” she asked Luis.
“Not at all. Go talk.” He winked.
We stepped on the deck and took the stairs down to the beach.
“Listen, Adalyn. Luis told me your ex-husband is here.”
“Of course, he did.” She sighed. “He’s staying at Rosie’s.” We walked along the shoreline.
“He’s here for a reason, and I know you’re upset about it, but you do need to talk to him.”
“I don’t need to do anything, Colin.” Her voice was stern.
“That’s true, but you do for your peace of mind. I can tell you’re holding onto a lot of resentment and anger, and I don’t blame you. You have every right to. But there will come a time when you’ll need to let all that go.”
“I have let it go. I just don’t want to talk to him ever again. I don’t want to see him, and I don’t want to hear what he has to say.”
“Nobody understands that like I do. Trust me. I didn’t want to see or hear what Olivia had to say either. But you know what that says about us?”
“It says we’re letting our exes control our lives. You’re letting him emotionally trap you, and you don’t have to do that. He can’t hurt you any more than he already has.”
“And you know this from experience, right?” she asked.
“I do. And as your friend, I’m offering you some advice. He’s had control over you for years, and he had control over you not getting pregnant. Don’t let him control you anymore by running away and hiding. I know firsthand you’re stronger than that, Addy.” I smiled. “I honestly, and correct me if I’m wrong, don’t think you had full closure on everything that happened. Use this opportunity to get that closure.”
“Thanks, Colin. Maybe you’re right.”
“I know I’m right. Experience, remember?” I smirked.
We walked back to the house, and Adalyn grabbed her purse.
“What are you doing?” Luis asked.