“How nice of her. I can’t wait to see this bed and breakfast you told us about.” My mother smiled.
“Did you make those?” Hannah pointed to the chicken salad.
“No.” I laughed. “I picked them up at the fruit market. The man who runs the place is Katherine’s husband, Scott. You’ll meet him and her as well tonight.”
“Sounds good. Do you have any chardonnay to go with this wonderful-looking chicken salad?” Hannah asked.
“A brand-new unopened bottle.” I smiled.
“I can’t wait to meet Colin,” Hannah spoke as she pushed her fake eyelash on her lid.
“Why?” I glanced at her.
“Because he seems like a true gentleman, and those are hard to come by these days.” She smirked. “Darn it,” she said as the lash refused to stick.
“I don’t know why you insist on wearing those things. By the end of the night, one is always loose and about to fall off,” I laughed. “Besides, you’re in a small coastal town, not the big fancy city of Manhattan.”
“Okay, and? Just because I’m in a small town doesn’t mean I don’t want to look my absolute best.”
I rolled my eyes. “You’re beautiful without all that.”
She was stunning at five foot eight, with a size four body, long dark auburn hair, and baby blue eyes. Even without makeup, she was a natural beauty. But like all the other women in the fashion industry, she played and looked the part, and she played it well. Her love life was complicated. Being two years younger than me and at thirty-two, she was an independent fashion designer who wasn’t looking to settle down. Men walked in and out of her life like a revolving door, and she didn’t think twice about it. I didn’t say much about it because I knew how she was, and there was no winning that conversation.
“Forget these things. I don’t know what’s going on.” She placed the lashes back in their case.
Suddenly, I heard my mother talking to someone downstairs.
“Luis and Alfred must be here!”
I flew down the stairs and into Luis's arms.
“You are the highlight of my life.” He smiled as he broke our embrace and studied me. “You look fabulous. Are we going out tonight?”
“Hi, Alfred.” I smiled.
“Hello, gorgeous.” He kissed my cheek.
“Actually, we are going out tonight. Rosie is hosting a welcome dinner for you all at the bed and breakfast.”
“Seriously? I love that woman.” Luis grinned.
“And her cooking is to die for,” Alfred chimed in.
“I’m going to see if Hannah is ready. Why don’t you put your bags in your room so we can head over there?”
I pulled up to the bed and breakfast at the same time as Colin.
“Who is that handsome man that just pulled up?” My mom glanced at me.
“That would be Colin Young. Addy’s friend, handyman, and wannabe possible boyfriend.”
“Luis, knock it off.” I looked at him through the rearview mirror.”
Everyone opened their doors and climbed out while Colin stood by his truck and waited with a smile.