When I arrived home, grabbed my bags from the car, and stepped onto the porch, I noticed there was what looked to be a flower arrangement sitting in front of the door. After taking the bags inside, I picked up the arrangement, took it into the kitchen, and removed the wrapping. I gasped at how beautiful the flowers were. Sunflowers, lilies, roses, snapdragons, and buttoned pompoms were elegantly arranged in a beautiful glass vase. Removing the white envelope, I took out the card inside.
Just a little something for you and your family to enjoy during their stay.
I couldn’t believe he had sent this beautiful arrangement. Taking in a deep breath, I pulled my phone from my purse and called him.
“Hey, you,” Colin answered in a chipper voice.
“Hi. I just got home and opened the flowers you sent. Colin, they’re beautiful. Thank you so much. You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know I didn’t, but I wanted to. It’s my way of welcoming your mom and sister to Harbor Falls. Bring them to the Seaside before they head back to New York, and the meals are on the house.”
“Thank you. That’s so sweet. They’re going to love the flowers just as much as I do. They’ll look perfect sitting in the center of my dining table. You’ll be at your Aunt Rosie’s tonight, right?”
“Of course. Hey, Adalyn, I have to run. A delivery just came in. I’ll see you tonight. By the way, you’re welcome for the flowers.”
“I’ll see you tonight.”
I grabbed some plates and silverware and set the table for lunch. Just as I was placing the vase of flowers in the center of the table, my phone dinged with a text message from my mom.
“Hi, honey. We’ll be at your home in about ten minutes.”
“Great, Mom. I can’t wait to see you and Hannah.”
I stepped out on the deck and leaned against the railing while looking out into the blue ocean water. I heard a car pull into the driveway, so I ran down the stairs of the deck and to the front of the house.
“OH MY GOD!” Hannah exclaimed. “This is beautiful!” She hugged me.
“Darling, I’ve missed you so much,” my mother spoke as we hugged.
“I missed you too, Mom.”
I helped with their bags, and the three of us stepped inside the house.
“Addy, your home is even more beautiful in person than it is over Facetime,” my mother spoke.
“Thanks, Mom. I picked up some lunch. I hope you’re hungry.”
“I’m starving,” Hannah said as they stepped into the kitchen. “What beautiful flowers.”
“Aren’t they? Colin sent them for all of us.”
“What?” My mother’s sly look told me a thousand questions were coming.
“The card is on the counter.”
Hannah walked over to where our mother picked up the card and read it along with her.
“What a sweet and generous man. I can’t wait to meet him,” my mother said.
“Me either.” Hannah smiled. “When do we get the privilege?”
I walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out the chicken salad pineapple boats.
“Actually, you’ll meet him tonight. Rosie is hosting a welcome dinner for you, Mom, Luis, and Alfred at the bed and breakfast at seven o’clock.”