Page 74 of Eleven of a Kind

“You look like shit,” she said.

“Watch your mouth.” I sighed as I made a cup of coffee.

“Dad, what’s wrong? And don’t say nothing because I can tell. Did something happen between you and Piper?”

“Listen, Riley.” I sat down across from her. “I wanted to wait until after school to talk to you.”

“Something did happen,” she said.

“Piper and I won’t be seeing each other anymore.”

“Why?” Her brows furrowed.

I could see the hurt in her eyes as I stared at her.

“Things weren’t working out.”

“Bullshit, Dad. What did you do to her?” she shouted.

“I didn’t do anything! She’s the one, Riley. I told her last night that I love her and wanted us to be a couple. She freaked out and said she didn’t feel the same way. You won’t be going to her shop after school anymore.”

“Dad, that’s not fair! I like her.” Riley stood up from her chair. “Thanks for ruining my day. Both of you are idiots.” She grabbed her backpack and walked out the door.

I sighed as I ran my hand down my face.

I walked into the medical center and stopped in the kitchen area for a cup of coffee before I headed up to my practice. Jackson, Conner, and Charlotte all stopped talking when I walked in.

“You don’t have to stop talking about me,” I said. “I’m sure everyone heard what happened.”

“We did, and I’m sorry.” Conner walked over and placed his hand on my shoulder.

“I have some time this afternoon if you want to come to my office and talk about it,” Charlotte said.

“There’s nothing to talk about. Piper doesn’t feel the same way, and it’s over. End of discussion. I don’t want to talk about her again.” I grabbed my cup and walked out.

* * *


“Daddy has to go on a trip.” My father knelt in front of me.

“When will you be back?”

“I won’t be gone too long.” He hugged me tightly. “I love you, Piper.”

“I love you, too, Daddy.”

I gasped as my eyes flew open, and I sat up. My heart was racing, my pajamas were soaked, and I couldn’t breathe. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was almost time to get up and ready for work. The last thing I wanted to do was go into the shop today, but I needed to keep myself busy. Walking into the bathroom, I stared at my hot mess self in the mirror. Grabbing the eye drops, I put some in my eyes to clear the redness from crying all night. After I showered and dressed, I climbed into my car and drove to the shop.

“Good morning, darling.” I heard Raj’s chipper voice from behind.

“Morning.” I took in a breath and turned around.

“What’s this?” He wiggled his finger up and down.


“You’re a mess. What happened?”