“Thank you, Kelsey.” I stood up from my seat. “How can I help you?”
“Dr. Gabriel Kind?” he said.
“Yes, and you are?”
“I don’t quite know how to say this. My name is Carter Kind, and I’m your brother.”
“Excuse me?” My brows furrowed. “The only brother I have is my twin—”
“Grayson. I know. I’m sorry to show up here and spring it on you like this. Do you mind if I sit down?”
He didn’t look well, and I wasn’t sure what the fuck was going on.
“Not at all.” I gestured to the seat across from my desk. “I don’t know what’s happening here, and I have no idea why you think I’m your brother.”
“I know you’re in shock. I was too when I found out. My father, our father, Ian Kind, got my mother pregnant at the same time your mother was pregnant with you and Grayson.”
“I’m sorry, but this is ridiculous, and I don’t have time for this. I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but you need to leave.”
“I need you to listen to me.” He jammed his finger on my desk. “I need your help.”
I leaned back in my chair and stared at him. The resemblance to Grayson and me was uncanny. Maybe he was telling the truth, and I just needed to calm down and listen to him.
“If it’s money you want—”
“I don’t want your money. I have enough of my own. I’m sick, Gabriel.”
“Sick, how?” I furrowed my brows.
“I have a disease called aplastic anemia.”
“That’s very rare,” I said. “And the only cure for that is a bone marrow transplant.”
“Exactly. My best chance for a match is from a sibling. I know this sounds crazy, and I only found out that you and Grayson existed a month ago. I grew up thinking I was an only child until I got sick, and my aunt had no choice but to tell me that I had two siblings. I could die, Gabriel, and I don’t want to die.”
“Okay. This is a conversation the three of us need to have. I know Grayson’s shift at the hospital ends at five o’clock. Come to my house at six, and we’ll sit down and talk.”
“Really? You believe me?”
“I don’t know, Carter, but what reason do you have to lie? Where are you from?”
“North Carolina.”
“Who is your doctor?”
“Her name is Dr. Anna Chung. She’s a hematologist at Duke University Hospital.”
“I’ll give her a call and get a copy of your medical records sent over, but I need you to fill this out first.” I reached into my file cabinet and pulled out a medical records release form. “What’s your phone number?” I picked up my phone from my desk.
I sent him a text message with my address. “That’s my address. I’ll see you at six.”
“Thank you, Gabriel.” He signed the form, stood up from his seat, and extended his hand.
“You’re welcome.” I shook his hand. “You have to understand what a shock this is.”
“Trust me. I do.” A small smile formed on his lips as he walked out of my office.
I held my phone in my hand and stared at it before texting Grayson. I couldn’t tell him about Carter over the phone. It had to be done in person.