Page 47 of Phoenix Chosen

“What? No, I had this vision that I was back on Earth, in my apartment. This voice was telling me to follow it if I wanted to get back to you.”

“If I hadn’t woken up,” I mutter. “By the gods. You were having a vision? Are you sure?”

“A dream…” Tyler looks back at the railing. Finally, he seems to realize where he is. The presence is back in his eyes. “Jesus Christ. I must’ve been sleepwalking.”

“Yes, you were definitely walking,” I say.

“No, sleepwalking. It’s like… a medical thing. I’ve had it happen before, but I’ve never tried to fucking walk off a roof.”

Airos appears out of the stairs with Alyx alongside him. “What’s happened?” Airos says. “We heard you shouting. Are you alright?”

“I was sleepwalking,” Tyler says again.

“He had a vision,” I say. “It led him up here. To the railing.”

Tyler is trying to diminish what happened by calling it “sleep walking,” as if it’s something completely normal. Airos and I look at each other. He’s thinking the same thing.

“Take him inside,” he says, summoning his staff.

“What is it?” Tyler asks.

Airos walks out onto the terrace and looks around, scanning the sky. “No one walks in their sleep without the influence of a god, or magic,” he says.

“I will conjure a shroud to conceal us,” says Airos. “Any clinging magic should be severed by it.”

I bring Tyler back to my room and shut the door. He sits on the edge of the bed and rubs his forehead.

“Jesus,” he mutters. “I can’t believe what I nearly did.” He gives me a wry smile. “You saved me yet again. This debt list is getting a little out of control.”

“No debt,” I say, sitting beside him and wrapping my arm around his shoulder. He’s shaking. “I promised you I would keep you safe.”

Tyler looks at me with soft eyes, then takes my face into his hands and kisses me gently at first, but an urgent spell falls over us. He slides onto my lap and straddles me,pushing his belly against me as he clamps his legs around my waist. I feel the shape of his bare cock beneath the chiton against my groin as I tease my tongue into his mouth. I lift the bottom of the tunic and squeeze my fingers tight into his ass cheeks, and he leans forward and whispers into my ear.

“Kalistratos, I want you inside of me.”



Idon’t remember leaving the bed, and I definitely don’t remember stepping onto the railing. One moment I was dreaming that I was home, desperate to get back to Kalistratos. The next moment, I was in his arms on the floor with him telling me I was about to jump.

I’m overwhelmed by so many different feelings. First, relief that it was just a crazy fucking dream. I’m still here in Circeana. I’m still with Kalistratos. Then, the realization of what could’ve happened to me. The fact that I had zero control, zero awareness. It’s a far stretch from the one other time I sleepwalked. I was twelve and went outside and pissed on the side of my dad’s car.

God, the absolute adoration I feel for Kalistratos is overwhelming. The gratitude. The love. I want him so badly. I told him I wanted to wait because I was afraid that I was repeating what I knew with Jeff. That I was going to end up using sex again as some kind of way to try to keep him close. But I know now that’s not the case. It’s just hard notto think a certain way when it’s all you’ve known, and when it’s left such a huge mark from its impact.

Iknowhe’s here for me. Iknowhe wants me as much as I want him.

I don’t want to wait another second to show him how much I want him. Circeana is not a walk in the park. I can’t ever forget that the kind of dangers here are beyond anything I can imagine.

His cock hardens against mine as I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him against my chest. He unties my belt, then tugs the tunic over my head and tosses it away. Goosebumps prickle my skin with the cool night air. His hands explore my naked back as he kisses my pecs and flicks his tongue across my nipple. I’m already so wet for him. I rock my body against him so that our cocks rub together, and Kalistratos slips his hand between us and tightly wraps his palm over our heads.

I close my eyes, sighing as his heat smolders against me. He strokes us as one, and I can feel every little throb of his length through mine. I love it. He groans into my neck as his other hand moves from gripping my ass to teasing my hole. Then he slips a finger inside of me, and soon I’m lurching against him, moaning and begging for more. I don’t want to come this way. I need him inside of me.

“Your cock,” I groan. “I need it now.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to wait?” he teases.

“Make me yours. Fill me up.”