He narrowed his eyes again, and then they flew open wide. “No,” he said. “Hold on a damn second. Do you mean to tell me…?”
“I haven’t said anything.”
“…He’s pregnant?”
“You guessed it.”
Makoa’s face lit up. “Whose?”
“Are you serious? Who do you think?”
“I have to ask because I just can’t believe it. Areyouserious, brotha? You’re gonna be a DADDY?!”
In a matter of seconds, I was up in the air, Makoa’s massive arms nearly collapsing my ribcage as he swung me around in circles like a rag doll.
“That’s amazing news, Ari! Grandma is gonna be thrilled! A daddy!”
“You’re crushing me,” I grunted.
He set me down. “Is this just Ari being Ari? Aren’t you excited?”
“This wasn’t a scenario that was supposed to happen,” I said.
“Ahhh. This is complicated shit, huh?”
“Very,” I muttered. “You know me, Makoa. You know my feelings on parenthood. I don’t believe I should be a father. I’m terrified, honestly. I don’t want to fuck this up.”
He put his hand on my shoulder. “The only way you’ll fuck it up is if you’re not there for him and your kid.”
“I know.”
“So… really no chance you two are…?”
“Doubtful. I know I get on his nerves. I’m not an easy dragon to get close to.”
“Obviously that’s not completely true,” he said with a laugh. “You got him pregnant, brotha. You gotta get pretty close for that to happen. The real question is, do you want him?”
“I want to make sure he’s taken care of. I see no point in wishing for anything further than that.”
“That’s a very Ari answer. It’s not a ‘no’, though.”
Makoa walked across the room to a cloth draped over a tall form. “This is perfect timing, then,” he said. “You can think of this as a gift of congratulations.”
He tugged the cloth away to reveal a wakka, beautifully carved with intricate, traditional T’Wanu designs spiraling around its chest that included the swimming sea dragon and leaping dolphin that was our clan’s sigil. In the center was a blank unfinished circle. Makoa tapped it with his palm.
“I was going to ask if there was anything you wanted me to put here, but I think I’ve got a good idea for it.”
I placed my hand against the warm, glowing grain. “This is mine? I didn’t think you’d ever finish.”
Makoa grinned. “It might take half a decade, but I get around to things eventually.”
“Thank you, Makoa. It’s beautiful. What are you going to carve here?”
“You’ll see.” He swept the cloth back over the board. “Once it’s completely finished.”
“So, another five years?”
He slapped my back. “Ha! Funny. So, no more excuses about coming out to ride the waves with us. You better get good use out of this.”