"It was fun. He did, and we went on rides and ate, did some shopping then watched the fireworks. It was fun, but we missed you guys."

"We stopped by long enough to say hello to a few people and grab some baked goods. Then we came home and watched the fireworks from the back deck. It was nice to avoid the crowds," Mom says.

"I agree. We watched from the dock of a friend of mine's lake cabin. It was really fun. But I'm going to turn down the movie. I'm exhausted and want to shower and call Sky before I go to bed." Then giving Mom and Dad both a hug and kiss, I retreat to my room and lock the door.

My room is on the other side of the house from my parents. It also has an ensuite bathroom. Mom and Dad gave me this room so I wouldn't have to share a bathroom with my brothers, but it also gives me a lot more privacy too.

First, I text Josh, so he doesn't worry.

I made it home. My parents said most of the buildings had to be torn down on the ranch, so my brothers’ passed on it.

I'm sorry to hear that. They will find the right place soon. Glad you made it home safe.

I had a really fun time tonight. Thank you again for spending the day with me.

The pause between his next text is so long, I think he isn't going to answer me.

I had more fun than I should have. You don't have to thank me for spending time with you. I enjoy it. Good night, get some rest. It's been a long day.

Good night. Dream of me.

Again, another long pause and I can imagine him shaking his head when he reads my text, and it makes me smile.

I will be.

I don't want to ruin it, so I don't say anything else, but I call Sky.

"Hey, how was the festival?" she answers.

"My parents bailed, and I made out with someone, and I need to talk. Can I spend the night?" I ask suddenly worried about my parents overhearing any part of what I need to tell her.

"Of course. Want me to send Dash to pick you up?"

"Nope, I'm on my way. See you soon." I tell her as I pull a duffle bag from my closet and toss in some clothes and toiletries. Then I grab my phone charger and go downstairs.

"Hey, I'm heading to Sky's place for the night. She wants to have some girl talk time." I say to my parents when I get downstairs.

"Okay, sweetie, text when you get there and have fun!" Mom calls out to me, never taking her eyes off the TV.

I give them both a quick kiss on the cheek on my way out. While I’m driving over to Sky's, I decide to call Sarah and tell them everything at the same time. They are my two best friends and biggest supporters. They won't judge, and they will give me their honest opinions too.

As I pull into Sky's driveway, she greets me with a warm hug and a big smile. "Come on in, let's chat," she says, leading me to the living room. We sit on her sofa, surrounded by fluffy pillows and soft blankets.

Her husband, Dash, comes in with a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. He also hands us a box of Sky's favorite chocolates.

"You ladies need anything else?" he asks.

Sky looks at me.

"Maybe your laptop? I think we should video call Sarah in for this," I say. Dash nods and leaves to get the laptop.

Then I pull out my phone to text her, asking if she is free. Sarah texts me back immediately, saying she is going to her room so she can chat in privacy.

After Dash sets up the laptop for us, he says, "Alright, I'm going to do some ranch paperwork in the office. Call if you need anything." Then he leans down and kisses Sky. Not some quick peck on the lips, either. It’s pretty hot and passionate too.

Those two are so truly in love that is makes my heart hurt. I’m hoping one day I will find that.

Once he leaves, we call Sarah, and no sooner is she connected than Sky turns to me, "Okay, spill. What happened at the festival?"