Once I arrive home, before I even get the door closed, I go inside, calling out his name. Though, I’m surprised he hasn’t answered me. Taking off my shoes, I hang up my purse and go to the kitchen to look for him. That's when I see the line of red rose petals leading to a path at the back of the house. I follow them to the back door, where there is a piece of paper taped to it, and in Josh's handwriting is a note.


Get changed into one of those cute dresses you like to wear and meet me in the barn.


Rushing upstairs, I grab one of the dresses I wore a few weeks ago that he liked so much. After slipping the dress on, I put on my cowboy boots and go to the barn. I don't know what I'm looking for, but when I get there, I find Dolly groomed and with bows in her hair. There is an envelope attached to one of the bows with my name on it. I remove it and read it.


We have made a good team, but I think it's time to add one.


It's signed Dolly, but it's in Josh's handwriting and I have no idea what he means by one more. Another horse? I glance at the stalls nearby, and they are empty. When I turn around, I found Josh behind me, down on one knee with a ring box in his hand. It’s all I can do to stand because my knees are about to give out.

"I know things with us haven't been easy, and I can't promise they ever will be. But I can promise to love you until my last breath, to show you how much I love you every day, and to help you follow your dreams. I can also promise you I will always take care of you and support you. I can promise I will always be by your side and love you unconditionally. Marry me and be my wife. Start a family with me and be at my side."

By the time he stops, the tears are pouring uncontrollably down my face.

"Yes. It's always been yes." I say, falling into his arms.

He holds me for a few minutes before he puts the ring on my finger.

"I take it the talk with my dad went good?" I laugh, trying to wrap my head around it all.

"It did. He even gave me his blessing to marry you." He says it with a huge smile lighting up his eyes.

"Really? He did?" I say, shocked.

"Yep, he did, Josh says grinning big. “Sunday dinners are officially reinstated. They will get used to us. Hopefully, by the time he is walking you down the aisle."

"Oh my god, I have to call Sky and Sarah. We have so much planning to do!”

"Slow down, sweetheart. The only plan you have to do tonight is what positions I'm going to have you in because I don't plan to let you out of bed for at least twenty-four hours."

"I think I can get used to that," I smile.



Weclosedontheranch today, and the three of us stand here still in shock. Willy moved out yesterday, and we stayed at our parents’ house last night, not wanting to be here alone until it was ours. So tonight will be our first night sleeping in the main house as ranch owners.

Mom and Dad are here, and so are Jenna and Josh. Surrounded by family at one of the biggest times in our lives, still doesn't make it feel real.

"We are ranch owners," I say out loud.

"We own Silver Cattle Ranch," Finn says.

"Best of all, Finn's most recent rodeo earning is buying your first herd of cattle," Josh says with a laugh.

We found a ranch just west of here that was being foreclosed on and selling the cattle at a reasonable price.

"It still doesn't seem real," I say as we stand in the front yard of the old farmhouse and stare at it. It's a four bedroom and is plenty big for us to live in while we get started and still have office space.

Zach and Finn decided that I'll take this house because they want to build something newer and have already picked out the plot of land for their homes on the far corners of the ranch.