She was trying to kill him. It was the only explanation. Faye was trying to kill him, slowly and painfully.

Despite his best efforts to the contrary, he noticed everything. Every little move she made. How she would occasionally lick her lips then tilt her head, exposing the long slope of her neck, or bite her lips whenever she was concentrating. His heart all but burst when she needed to stretch and would cross her hands behind her head and arch, slowly, oh so slowly, so that her breasts were all but bursting from her sweater and the hem rose up to show off her flat milky navel. But his favourite was when she started to make notes and would every now and then pause, her tongue curling around her pencil as she considered the text. He would have given his right nut just to be that pencil for a few moments.

It happened so slowly, he never saw it coming…

Faye hadn’t known what else to do.

For all her less than considerable wiles, Terry was proving about as corruptible as Jesus Christ and she was all out of ideas.

Leaning across the desk, she presented him with her finished notes. She almost shivered with ecstasy as she felt the heat of his gaze roaming across her skin. He wanted her, she knew it; but he did nothing.

So, instead, she made the first move.

It was only chaste, yet Terry was too surprised to do anything but go with the flow. In one move, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her across the desk and into his lap as her tongue found his in a carnal dance that sent electricity racing down his spine. Turning in his hold, Faye straddled his waist and wantonly ground her hips onto his lap, the heat of her desire burning through the fabric of their clothes to wash over his cock.

Desperate, almost mad with lust, he bucked against her, sliding the weight of his cock along her folds through her panties as he crushed her to him, hard. Hard enough to make her moan, a sound that was music to his ears.

She tastes so… good.

She did. She had the softest, sweetest lips he had ever tasted, and her mouth- it was divine. It had been made to be kissed, but he wanted more. He wanted her, all of her. He wanted… Faye!

Reality hit.

Releasing what he was doing, he stood up so abruptly it made Faye squeal and tumble back onto the desk.

She looked up at him with glassy eyes.


“I’m sorry Faye, this… we... we need to stop,” he said, breathless and unable to meet her gaze. “T-This is... we shouldn’t... I, I mean, I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.”

Faye managed to suppress her sobs. “B-but... but why? You want me, Terr. I know you do. So why, just once?”

The pleading in her tone tore at his heart.

“Because I… You’re my friend, and I just don’t want to ruin things...” His voice softened as he tried desperately to make her understand. “What about Elsa?”

“I’m not going to tell her. All I want is one night. Just one night, nothing else… just once. It’s not going to change anything, Terry, I promise…” A stray tear rolled down her cheek and Faye didn’t have the heart to brush it aside. She’d come so close, he couldn’t turn her down, not now.

So, instead, Faye threw herself at him. Literally.

Too surprised to get out of the way, Terry could only gawk dumbly as she barrelled into his legs. She sent him reeling back onto the bed that took up one whole corner of the room. Then she was on him. With one move, she ripped open his trousers, then pulled his boxers down.

Oh…my…God! In spite of the fear winding her belly into a thick rope of knots, Faye licked her lips as his cock stood rampant before her eyes.

Fingers shaking, she reached out and tried to wrap her hand around him. He was so thick she couldn’t even get her thumb and finger to meet. Marvelling at the way it pulsed and throbbed, she started to pump her hand. She took her time, running her hand down from the swollen head to the thick base and then back again with the slow, almost hypnotic motions she’d heard could work guys into a frenzy.

Scarcely able to breathe, Terry could only seize the sheets with white-knuckled fists as his whole body seemed to writhe beneath the siren’s hand job. With that first touch, Faye had stolen all his strength away. He was powerless and completely unable to stop himself from bucking into her hand with every stroke of her palm. He knew he shouldn’t be enjoying this, that it wasn’t right, but just felt so good. He couldn’t resist.

“F-Faye wh... what... what are you doing? No... oh fuck… Stoooohhhh!”

His whole body spasmed at the lush heat that suddenly whispered over his flesh. Breath and pulse quickening, he looked down in time to watch his friend lean in and wrap those full, kissable lips around the head of his cock.

“You want me, don’t you, Terry?” she asked, running her tongue along the edge of his crown. “Mmm…I know you do. Your cock’s so big and delicious.”

Though she had virtually no first-hand experience giving head, Faye made up for that with determination and continued to slowly run her hand up and down his thick column, while her mouth, tongue, and teeth played with the swollen head.

“Oh God, Faye… Please… Stop.” His voice was choked and thick with pleasure.