“Roger texted saying you’re in the hospital because of an accident. He asked me to pick you up,” Stefan replied.

Bella gave me a worried look, “What happened, Mandy?”

“I saw my ex outside when I walked out. We got into an argument. I slipped and fell and passed out. Roger found me and brought me here.”

“Where is Roger now? Normally, he would stay and hover like a mother hen. That’s unlike him to leave you,” Stefan stated.

“We had a big fight, and he left angry.”

Stefan frowned, “Really? That’s not the Roger I know. Although he did get security outside your room.”

“Would you check to see if he’s at his Penthouse?”

Stefan nodded, “I think you’ll be discharged in a couple of hours. I’ll be back before then.”

He kissed Bella softly and then left the room. A grin spread on my face as I stared at Bella.

“What?” Bella blushed.

I raised my hand in surrender, “I didn’t say a word. I’m just curious when you started kissing.”

Bella blushed. “We talked tonight, and one thing led to another. So, officially, we are dating. It seems fast, but we’ve known each other for a long time, and I’ve had the biggest crush on him for years.”

“Yeah, I understand. I’m happy for you.”

Bella stared at me, “Alright, spill it. The whole story.”

“There’s nothing to say.”

“You expect me to believe that my brother left you here because of a misunderstanding?” she asked.

“Yep. That’s what I said.”

“You’re not telling me everything, Mandy? There’s got to be more to it than that, right?” Bella asked.

What’s the worst that could happen? Eventually, she’s going to know. “I’m pregnant. I’m sixteen weeks, and I’ve been carrying this baby, keeping it a secret from everyone. Even Roger, who’s the father. He just found out tonight.”

Bella laughs, “The first day I met you, I knew you were pregnant, and it was my brother’s baby.”

“Well, aren’t you a little psychic,” I smiled, “Focus, Bella.”

“Well, I could see my brother being pissed, but he wouldn’t just leave. That’s not Roger.

“Well, I said something terrible to him in my anger that I should’ve never said,” I groaned.

“But why? Why didn’t you tell him? Isn’t that the reason you left Milan?” Bella asked.

“Yes, I was going to tell him. I planned out in detail what I would say. But he was a rude asshole. If that’s what he’s truly like, I didn’t want him in my baby’s life.”

Bella groaned, “Let me guess. You told him that?”

I squirmed, “Kind of.”

“Well, tell me exactly what you said to Roger, word for word.”

“I told him I didn’t know if he would be a good father,” I said, my head bent low in shame.

“Fuck!” Bella blurted out.