“Hello. You brought in Mandy, Right?” He asked me.

“I did. Do you have any news yet? Is she awake? Can I see her?” Rapidly firing off questions.

“Are you family, her next of kin?” He asked.

“She’s my… Well, she’s my employee. I found her outside my building, unconscious on the ground. No help was around, so I rushed to get her here.”

I frowned, “Is there something wrong with her? I need to know she is okay. She’s important to me. For crap’s sake, I broke several laws getting her here.”

The doctor hesitated, “I can only talk to her family. It’s the law now.”

I snapped, “I don’t care about any law. Tell me what the fuck is wrong with Mandy. Or, I swear on my life, you and this hospital will regret it.”

“This is confidential information, Mr. Day. I need her consent to release any information to someone outside her family.” He was relentless.

“Well fuck it! I’m not an outsider. She is the most important person to me. I love her, and that makes us family.” I snapped, not even realizing the words I’d just said.

The doctor smiled, and my frown deepened, “Well, follow me to my office.”

I shook my head, “I’m not moving an inch until you tell me how she is.”

“I have asked you nicely, Mr. Day. We can talk privately in my office or not at all.” He said firmly.

I followed him, knowing it was my only choice.

The door closed behind us, and the doctor motioned to sit. “Mandy’s out of the woods, Mr. Day. She’s stable but sleeping. She should be awake shortly.”

I released a deep breath I didn’t know I was holding in.

“Thank you. I have been worried sick. Thank you.” My breathing and heart rate became more regular. I began to scan the office while we were sitting. It was the first time I looked and noticed how lavish the office appeared.

The doctor looked over his glasses sternly, “Mandy’s accident isn’t good given her condition. Pregnant women shouldn’t be exposed to significant temperature changes, like cold, or preventable accidents, such as falls.”

Then the doctor said, “She’s in her second trimester. She needs to be extremely careful to avoid situations, such as this, that could harm her and the baby.”

Dumbfounded by his comment, I asked, “Baby? What baby?”

“Mandy is sixteen weeks pregnant,” the doctor said, looking at me curiously.

Completely confused and almost speechless, I mumbled, “What? What exactly did you say?”

“Mandy is pregnant. For someone who claims to love her, you seem to know very little about her,” disapproval in his tone.

“I didn’t know. She isn’t showing…she…never…,” I blurted out in an attempt to answer. I couldn’t wrap my mind around this information.

“Some first-time moms don’t show right away. She may not show up until the last trimester. It’s completely different for every woman and every pregnancy.” The doctor explained.

“But if she’s sixteen weeks, that means she’s four months pregnant, right?” I asked, trying to calculate four months ago.

“Yes, that is correct. I assume you were unaware of the pregnancy.”

“What am I supposed to do?” At this point, I don’t know if I am in denial or shock.

“She needs to be taken care of and be more careful during her pregnancy.”

“Will she and the baby be alright? I mean, are they okay? Nothing to be concerned about, right?” I am in a daze now.

The doctor smiled, “Yes, they will both be okay. But she needs to avoid such an incident from repeating itself.”