“When did the sales ranking go up?” Roger asked, still surprised.

“Just a few minutes ago,” Bella replied. “Go check it out yourself.”

I watched Roger leave, heading to his office quickly. I looked at Bella, and she seemed so happy.

“What’s making you this excited?”

She smiled, “I love throwing parties! And, well, maybe someone will attend the party.”

I knew what she was doing. She wanted the opportunity to tell Stefan how she felt.

“Best of luck with the party, Bella. I’m sorry I’ll miss it.”

Bella shook her head, “All employees must attend the party, that includes you.”

I groaned, unable to tell Bella about my doctor’s appointment without her suspecting something. She already thinks that I am pregnant, and it’s Roger. This would only confirm her suspicions.

“I just have something urgent I’ve got to attend to. I doubt I’ll be able to make it.” I told her.

Bella refused to accept my excuse, “You must come to this party, Mandy. You’re the main reason why I’m throwing it.”

“There’s nothing more to discuss with Roger,” I stated firmly.

“Thank you for your help, Bella, but I’ve got to go now,” I said as I grabbed my bag. Her look of disappointment made me feel guilty. I caved. “I might stop by if I finish in time, but no promises.”

At Lenox Hill Hospital, an impressive, elegant exterior greeted me. Inside, a spacious lobby and charming receptionist put me at ease for my first prenatal visit since the positive test in Milan.

“Miss. Mandy?” She asked.

“Yes?” I answered.

“You’re here to see Dr. Anderson, correct?” she asked.

I nodded. She gave me some paperwork to fill out.

“Is this all that you need?” I asked her.

She nodded yes. She smiled a small smile, “Second floor, fifth room.”

I thanked her as I headed to the second floor, lost in my thoughts.

Walking down the hall, nameplates labeled each of the consultation rooms. Gentle music in the background created a soothing and private atmosphere.

I knocked on the fifth door labeled DR. ANDERSON. “Come in,” He said.

“Please take a seat, Mandy,” Dr. Anderson said.

The clean, modern room impressed me. Dr. Anderson smiled warmly from behind his desk, putting me at ease.

“How are you feeling today?” he asked me.

“I’m feeling all right, just a bit tired lately. I’ve noticed some lightheadedness as well,” I replied sincerely.

Dr. Anderson nodded, “That can happen and usually tells us that you’re dehydrated and not getting enough rest. Your body is working hard to nurture your baby. Let’s check you out and see how everything is going. If it persists or worsens, notify me, and I’ll look into it further.”

A nurse quietly stepped in to assist and get my vital signs.

Dr. Anderson explained the exam, ensuring I understood what was happening.