“Thank you,” I said gratefully.

She smiled as we drove off. I lost track of where we were going after a few seconds.

“Where exactly are we going?” I asked.

“Somewhere, you can say whatever you want about my brother without feeling bad,” she told me.

I smiled as I relaxed in the car and waited excitedly for the surprise. We pulled up into a clearing, where she stopped the car. As I stepped out, I couldn’t believe my surroundings. I noticed that there was a trail leading up the mountain.

“This is beautiful, but what exactly are we doing here?”

She giggled, “That trail in front of you, we’re climbing it.”

“Is it safe?”

“Perfectly. Come on, let’s go.” She said.

The anticipation was building as I made my way up the mountain trail. The rushing water grew louder with each step, hinting at the magnificent sight awaiting me. I rounded a bend where a breathtaking vision of a majestic waterfall appeared.

“Wow! It’s so beautiful.”

“Here, you can vent all your anger. You can scream all you want at my brother until you feel better,” Bella said.

I smiled gratefully, exploring the incredible beauty that was before me.

The waterfall cascaded down from great heights, its sparkling streams glistening in the sunlight- a display of nature’s power and beauty. The mist hung refreshingly in the air. It was creating a relaxed atmosphere.

Lush greenery with towering trees stood tall. Vibrant wildflowers added color to the scenic view, filling the air with a sweet fragrance. A small clearing at the waterfall was a perfect spot to take in the awe-inspiring sight.

As I stood there, a sense of freedom washed over me.

With a deep breath, I closed my eyes and screamed, my voice blending with the thunderous rush of water.

I opened my eyes and took in the scene before me. The sheer power of the waterfall mirrored the strength within me, reminding me that I, too, possessed an untamed spirit.

Gratitude washed over me.

I stared at Bella, tears glistening in my eyes. “Thank you.”

Bella smiled and waved it off, “It’s nothing. Please don’t cry.”

We sat down on the ground close to the waterfall. She picked a flower from the grass in front of her.

“How did you find this place?” I asked her.

“After our parents died, I was in a dark place. Roger found this place and brought me here. I spent weeks returning here to escape. I found that most of the time, I’d scream and cry for a short time but mostly sit in peace. I finally realized that this place was healing me.”

I was shocked. Bella’s revealed another side of Roger that I didn’t know existed.

“Wow! I’m so sorry you went through such a difficult time. You’re lucky to have him as your brother.” I exclaimed.

Bella agreed, “He’s not all that bad. He’s just terrible at expressing his emotions.”

“Does that also include Jessica?” I asked before I could stop myself.

“Nah, she’s out of the picture. She set Roger up for failure with Jamie. She finally realized that her stunt with Jamie didn’t destroy Roger,” Bella said.

“Roger’s business is thriving, and Jamie’s is circling the drain, shall we say… She tried to jump ship, hoping Roger was still miserable without her and would want her back… She thought she’d waltz back into his life like nothing happened and be welcomed with open arms. Boy, was she wrong,” Bella replied.