What exactly does this mean? Could Roger still have something to do with Jessica? I wondered. What does this mean for us? Was there even an us?

I began to cry, and I felt a ‘sick feeling’ in my gut. I wandered through the Penthouse searching for Roger, and he was nowhere to be found. Just like Milan, he’d left me again.

I dressed and headed downstairs, where security stopped me. “Miss, Mr. Day said you shouldn’t leave until he’s back,” he said.

I turned around and went back to the Penthouse. Tears filled my eyes again as I stared at the panties she had tossed at my feet.

I picked them up and placed them in an envelope without thinking twice. I’ll figure out what to do about them later. I wiped my eyes and left. I was such a fool.

Walking into work took everything I had in me.

I remembered the feeling I had when I saw Jessica at the Penthouse. Roger’s ‘jealous girlfriend’ question echoed in my head. Did last night mean nothing? Was I the only one with intense emotions about us?

I couldn’t stop the tears from falling, heartbroken over Roger.

He couldn’t even tell me what I meant to him; his silence made me feel worthless. I hated that he’d made me feel this way. It made me hate him.

I stared at the computer, struggling to focus. I could feel my head spinning as I tried to keep calm. How could he ask that?

I know I shouldn’t cry for the sake of my baby. The mere thought of my baby made me so emotional. I’d been so careful not to fall in love.

Kade was still terrorizing my life, so how did I allow myself to get tangled with Roger? I should’ve listened to Stefan’s warning and stayed away from him.

A knock sounded on my door. I hurriedly wiped my eyes and cleared my throat.

“Come in,” I croaked, hiding my face behind the computer.

I heard the soft patter of footsteps and looked up and saw Bella standing before me. She had the kindest smile on her face.

“My brother is an asshole, I know,” she said.

I laughed at her words, which brought me instant relief. I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

“Don’t shy away,” she said.

I hesitated. This was still Roger’s sister. I needed to be careful whatever I said in front of her.

“It’s all right, Bella. I’m fine,” I lied.

Bella scoffed and dragged me with her, “Come, let me show you something.”

“I’m not supposed to leave the office,” I resisted.

“Who do you work for?” she asked me.

I frowned, “Your asshole of brother, of course.”

“Do you think you can stand the sight of him right now?” she asked again.

I shook my head, “I don’t think so.”

“Would he care if you took a few hours to compose yourself? It’s just a few hours. Besides, don’t you deserve it after the stunt he pulled with you?” she asked.

I thought about it, and I frowned, “Fuck him if he gets upset. Let’s go.”

Bella chuckled, squealing loudly, “Yes!”

We headed to the ground floor, where Bella grabbed her keys from the valet. “We’re taking my Bently. I’ve got a great idea. Besides, after what my brother did, I feel I need to make it up to you,” she smiled.